Chapter 8: Narcissa

Start from the beginning

"It was pretty funny actually" Crabbe grinned "She slapped him across the face and then fired the spell"

"Funny? You imbecile!" Lucius yelled "She could've ruined my face forever. I could be like this forever"

"Not quite, Mr. Malfoy" The school healer, Mrs. Pomfrey made her way through. She was rolling her eyes, suggesting that Lucius was exaggerating "Take this potion, and the effects will be down in two hours"

"TWO HOURS?" Lucius asked shocked "I cannot look like these for two hours"

Crabbe and Goyle giggled. Pomfrey sighed. "You can stay here, I guess. But no crying or moaning anymore. I have other patients"

The healer walked away.

"I'll stay with you, babe" Narcissa nodded

"You are the best, sweetie"

Lucius' friends mocked them obviously, Narcissa was used to that.

"I saw a kid covered in scars in the other bed" Crabbe giggled "He looked horrible"

"Sh sh, bloody wanker" Goyle protested "He might still be here"

"Go away" Narcissa demanded "Lu and I need some privacy"

Narcissa was tired that those idiots were always around.

"Uuuuh, privacy eh?" Goyle raised his eyebrow

"Piss off IDIOTS" Lucius spatted


Crabbe and Goyle exited laughing and making obscene gestures. Narcissa rolled her eyes and drew the curtains shut. She casted a silencing spell.

"Cissy, are we going to have sex here?" Lucius raised an eyebrow

"I'm not gonna have sex with you looking like that"

Lucius made a pout offended. Cissy sighed before sitting down again.

"Lucius what happened with that girl?" Narcissa began "And be honest this time"

"I told you..." Lucius shrugged

Narcissa looked down "Why do you always have to act like an idiot?" she asked carefully

Lucius smirked "I know what this is about. You're jealous" he kissed her cheek


"Yes, you are" Lucius continued giving her soft kisses "Don't worry, Cissy you're the only girl for me"

He carried on kissing her neck. She pushed him away.

"Lucius is not that!" she protested "You always have to fight with someone. Last year it was with that Tonks kid and the Hufflepuffs..."

"Tonks was an idiot. Thank Merlin he is gone"

"And this year is with this Ravenclaw girl..." Narcissa continued "Who is going to be next? The Gryffindors?"

"They are all jealous of me" he grinned

"It's not funny Lucius" Cissy sighed "Why can you be the tender boy that you are with me, with everyone else? I always have to excuse you with others..."

Lucius looked down "Nobody understands me as you"

Narcissa simply looked at him. Lucius adopted his serious expression. It happened rarely.

"I am graduating in a few months" he said "And father... He wants me to join this group... Crabbe and Goyle are joining too"

"What group?"

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