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I've fallen in love for the first time

And this time I know it's for real

I Want To Break Free – Queen

"You've got snow in your hair."

Nessie wrinkles her nose before running her fingers through her red curls, but quickly changes her mind.

"It'll melt," she sighs, before sliding in beside Nataniel on the booth seat.

Paul and Sam take their seats opposite to them with a rustle of coats. "This cold will kill us," Sam sighs, taking off his hat.

"I'll be fine after I've eaten," Nessie assures them, grabbing the coffee card. "I'm extremely hungry."

"You're always hungry," Paul replies.

"That's no reason not to take my stomach seriously. Well, my choice is made. What about yours?"

Nataniel awkwardly opens a menu under Nessie's angry gaze. "I'll just take the usual, I think..."

It must be said that they come very regularly to this American diner, the Totomo Café.

"Perfect! Boys?"

"My choice is made."

"Me too," smiles Sam, waving to a waiter.

When he arrives at their table, the young man doesn't fail to stare at Nessie. "Ladies first, what will you have?"

"Salted butter caramel cheesecake, chocolate fudge and maple syrup pancakes. With a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and whipped cream, please."

Nataniel stifles a laugh at the waiter's horrified expression. "Chocolate waffles and maple tea for me, please," he orders, gritting his teeth to keep from laughing.

Once Paul and Sam's orders have been placed and the waiter has gone away, the three boys let out a laugh.

"Keep it up, Ness, and you'll drive them all away!"

"I don't see what the problem is with being hungry, but so be it," she scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"There's a real problem I'd like to address," says Nataniel. "Where are we going to celebrate the New Year?"

"At Peter's," Nessie answers hastily.

Then she opens her big round eyes at Nataniel while silently telling him not to say a word about Charles, let alone in front of Paul. The young man pretends to think about it, but finally refrains from commenting.

"Will it be a big night?"

"I think there'll probably be about thirty of us. Peter's not the kind of guy who wants a bunch of strangers to come to his house."

"It's a good thing we've known him all our lives, then," laughs Paul.

At the look Nessie gives Paul, she is about to return the spike - but the unexpected arrival of her three plates cuts her off. "Anyway," she resumes between bites of pancakes, "there'll probably be more people from Peter's class than ours, but it won't make much difference to us."

"Did he ask us to bring stuff?"

"If possible, yeah. I'll bring some wine."

"No shit!"

Annoyed, Nessie shoves a spoonful of cake into her mouth.

"Do you know if there will be the same people as last time?" asks Sam with concern.

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