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I can't go on wasting my time

Adding scars to my heart

We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow - SOKO

On his way home from school on Monday night, Nataniel spots Seven in the car park of their home. The young man is bent over his phone and hasn't noticed him, so Nataniel tiptoes to him.

"Hi," he says cheerfully, stopping in front of Seven.

The prep student is startled and almost drop his phone. "Nataniel! You scared me..."

"I can see that!"

Seven glances at the front door of their home.

"I'm waiting for my parents," he explains with a grimace. We have an appointment. It wouldn't really be a good time for them to meet you. Like I said, they're..."

"Oh. Okay, no worries. I just wanted to say hi. Another day, then!"

He starts to turn back when Seven catches him by the arm.

"Are you mad? Please tell me I didn't hurt your feelings. It's nothing against you. It's just that I'm not really in the mood to argue with my parents... The problem is that they know me too well. Even if they caught us just talking, they'd know that you mean more than that to me. And they wouldn't like that at all. But don't think that this changes anything for me! I don't care what they think."

He leans forward to kiss Nataniel. "No one will stop me from finding you beautiful and adoring you immensely."

"How immensely?" smiles Nataniel, returning Seven's kiss.

"Far beyond the realm of possibility. And I probably love you just as much as I adore you."

I love you. Butterflies flutter in Nataniel's stomach as he hears Seven say it so casually. Nataniel wants to say that he loves him too, but despite the urge to say it, he can't. He's not like Seven, he's not like him. Unlike Seven, he is unable to make declarations of love as if he were talking about the weather. So, he just kisses Seven in response.

And for a moment, Nataniel feels as if he is reading concern on Seven's face. But he soon starts smiling happily again, so the blond man doesn't pay any more attention.

"You should go," Seven sighs, "I really don't want to..."

"Have this kind of conversation with your parents, I know. See you later!"

"Bye, Nataniel."

At the end of the day, Nataniel is about to fall into bed when there are three knocks on his window. He goes to open it to Seven who slips into the room with a small smile.

"Hey." Nataniel greets him. "You know you can get through the door, right?"

"It's funnier that way." Sven replies carelessly, before taking a more serious look. "I wanted to apologise for earlier. And to make sure you're not angry."

"Why would I be mad?"

"Well... Because I kind of send you packing so my parents wouldn't see you. I wouldn't want you to be... upset."

"No, no, don't worry. I mean, I understand."

"Do you? Because, I mean, I do deserve your anger."

"I'm not mad. I swear there's nothing to worry about."

"The thing is, people often say that, but it doesn't stop them from thinking the opposite."

"Not me. I don't see why I should blame you for wanting to spare us both an awkward situation with your parents."

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