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I am outside

And I've been waiting for the sun

With my wide eyes

We Are Broken - Paramore

The sound of a passing train echoes in the silent street. Immobile, two young people are staring at a small white building. The girl turns to the boy.

"So you're really going to live here?"


"It is really in the outskirts of the city. And close to Hillz. Do you know what they say about the neighbourhoods of Hillz along the railway? Bagatelle?"

"Since when do you care what people say, Nessie?"

She shrugs her shoulders in laughter without answering. Just for a moment, Nataniel watches her laugh, her long red hair whipping in the wind.

"Are you coming to visit?" does he finally asks.

"Of course, I'm not here just to unpack boxes!"

She gives him a mocking look and then goes first inside the block of flats. In the elevator, she observes her friend through the ice.

"It's too late to turn around, golden boy."

"I do not intend to change my mind."

"Then try to look less constipated."

It is therefore with a big smile on his face that Nataniel rings the doorbell of the apartment number 6. A young woman with braided brown hair immediately opens.

"Nataniel! We were looking forward to your arrival. I'm Coline, nice to meet you." Her gaze slides over the red-haired girl who's looking inside the apartment.

"Nessie," she introduces herself. "I'm here to help Nat move."

Coline moves aside to let them inside the apartment. Another young man is waiting in the entrance and he shakes hands with the two newcomers. "Hi, I'm Bart."

"Nataniel, and this is Nessie."

"Is this your first colocation, Nataniel?" asks Coline.


"Cool. You'll see, we're easy-going people."

The young blond man lets out a laugh. "So much the better."

"Are you two in college?" asks Nessie.

"I'm in my second year of law studies," Coline sxplains, "and Bart's in his second year of prep to go to medicine. You're still a high school student, Nataniel, right?"

"Yes, I'm a senior."

While they get to know each other, Coline makes them go around the place. After visiting the common areas, she leads Nataniel and Nessie to the young man's room.

"In terms of furniture there is a bed, a desk and inside the closet there is a wardrobe and shelves. If you need more things, you provide."

"Yes, of course, no problems."

"Do you have all your things with you?"

"Yes, we let my boxes outside. Do you mind giving us a hand to move it here?"

"Still no news of Paul?" intervenes Nessie.

"Actually, yes. He will arrive in thirty minutes. Paul is a friend," explains Nataniel, "he will come and help too."

"Okay. We'll help you to bring your stuff here, it's only natural to help each other when we're roommates."

When Paul finally arrives, Nessie and Nataniel are already unpacking the moving boxes.

"Right on time, as always," comments the girl placidly without bothering to look at him.

"Sorry. I couldn't get out of the dining table. You know my father."

"Come help us, instead of looking for excuses" laughs Nataniel while pointing a cardboard box at him.

The fact is that he did not bring many of his belongings, so it doesn't take them long to put everything in place.

"Can I pass you my weed?" asks Paul." So you can keep it for me. Since you don't have parents who might find it by misfortune..."

"Okay, okay, but it won't be free."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"I am very serious, you will owe me a commission!"

"Aye, aye. I guess I'm in no position to object, then."

"And you, Ness, do you need me to hide something from you?" asks Nataniel to their friend.

With a smile, the girl collapses on the bed. "Yeah. Me. I count on you to host me in case of need."


"Cool. You're a real brother."

"How about testing the connection of the Play?" offers Paul, turning on the television.

"Now that's a good idea!" exclaims Nataniel. "Are you playing with us, Nessie?"

"Hm... No. I would rather watch you guys play. I find it way more fun."

"Whatever you want!"

The two boys sit on the floor, leaning against Nataniel's bed, while Nessie rolls on her belly to watch them play, her face resting in the palms of her hands.

The boy inside the matrix boxHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin