"It's probably that Megan girl he's texting," I said with a grin and moved to hug her.

She chuckled and hugged Sophie, reaching out her arms for Rory, who happily moved into them.

"How in the hell did you guys find parking on this street? I just drove around for twenty minutes and ended up two streets over," a voice complained as they walked through the open front door.

"You're growing a beard?" I asked incredulously as I looked at the rough hair on my brother's face.

Sebastian grinned, running a hand over it. "I look good right?"

"I didn't think it was possible if I'm being honest," I stated, staring. Never in all my years have I seen Sebastian actually growing a proper beard and have it not ending up spotty and uneven.

He rolled his eyes, letting them wander around the room before stopping behind Grayson's legs. "Where is my favorite dragon princess?" Sebastian asked, placing his hands on his hips.

Evie stepped out from behind Grayson's legs and held up her arms, her fingers curled like claws. "Rawr!" She yelled and sprinted into his arms, letting him throw her in the air.

Bella ran into the room and hugged her uncles before running to Ella, the two of them squealing before running off through the house. I barely caught a glimpse of Finn before he barreled into Grayson in an attempt to knock him over.

This had become their thing over the years, every time Finn saw Gray, he would run full bull and try to take him down. Grayson on the other hand threw Finn over a shoulder and jumped up and down, making him laugh.

Bella and Ella stood in front of Charlotte, poking at Rory and letting her grip their fingers in her whole hand. Evie screamed when Sebastian pretended to drop her before catching her mid-air and throwing her to Cole like she was a football.

"Hey!" I called to the both of them, "Take it outside before she hits her head, and if that outfit gets a speck of a grass stain on it, you two will fit the dry clean bill," I threatened and watched both of them and Grayson, who still had Finn over a shoulder, move to the kitchen towards the small garden behind our brownstone. Cole held Evie's arms while Sebastian held her legs as they shuffled along, Evie giggling the whole time.

Grayson stopped by us to kiss Rory's face and my lips before lightly tapping my ass and following the others. I smirked, watching him walk through the house.

"Bells, where's Mom?" Charlotte asked, brushing a hand over Rory's little pigtails.

Bella rolled her eyes. "Yelling at Val outside, she wants to go out tonight with that boy again."

Sophie bit her lip and Charlotte looked uncomfortable. I ran my tongue over my teeth and plastered a smile over my face. "Girls, there are some cupcakes in the kitchen that need decorating, why don't you get Evie and make a mess?" I asked with a smile.

They grinned at each other and sprinted away. "Olivia's going to kill her one day," was the first thing out of Sophie's mouth.

"Agreed, but have you met Miles? He's a total bad boy," Charlotte said, bouncing Rory in her arms.

"He's not that bad," I said, rolling my eyes at my oldest sister's exaggeration.

Charlotte gaped at me. "They were making out in the garden at her birthday party!"

I laughed loudly. "Oh please, I did that all the time with Grayson in high school, hell we still do it and we've been married for almost eight years. Valentina is seventeen, she's not stupid."

Sophie glanced back and forth between us, silent and with a smile on her face.

Before our discussion could continue, raised voices reached the doorstep. A string of Spanish words floated through the air before Olivia switched back to English. "I am not doing this with you, Valentina, you're not going!"

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