T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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The first word that came to mind the moment I caught sight of Jesse.

Every step she took radiated elegance and beauty.

I was completely enchanted by her and I couldn't look away.

The moment her eyes caught mine, I felt my heart constrict.

Though my gaze didn't waiver once, I simply couldn't look away even if I tried to.

The way her eyes trailed down my appearance made goosebumps arise on my skin.

I watched as her tongue caressed her bottom lip igniting something feral within me.

I had to hold myself back from kissing her until she was breathless.

Does she feel it too?

This tension between us that could be cut with a knife.

This palpable heat sizzled in the air and we continued to stare at one another in some sort of trance.

This invisible tether that seems to be drawing us closer to one another.

Just as I was about to take a step in her direction Talia announced the taxi was here.

Disappointment filled me as Jesse's gaze flickered away from mine, her steps moving away from me.

Another missed opportunity.

Though her eyes left mines, mines didn't leave hers not even for a moment.

"You know you can't stare at her all night,"

West said as he came beside me a glass of champagne in his hand.

It's been over an hour since we've been in the gala and I'm genuinely impressed with the fact that we have yet to get caught.

Though I haven't thought much about that as the only person I had on my mind was currently walking over to the bar.

My eyes trailed down to her long legs that elegantly crossed the floor, her stance confident, attracting the attention of all those she passed.

Much to my dismay

I thought as I spotted the lustful gazes some men sent her way, though she paid them no mind.

"Well," West said my attention drifting over to him.

"I know, but I have yet to find the right time to talk to her," I replied with a small sigh.

I ran my hand through my hand in frustration at the fact three days have gone by and I have yet to make things right.

"Your problem is that you're trying to find the perfect timing when in reality there is no perfect timing," West spoke

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