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— Oneika —

I cradled her face in my hands as tears ran down her cheeks. I used my thumb to wipe them off and pecked her forehead.

"You okay?"

Paris nodded.

"Be honest with me, princess. Are you okay?"

Paris shook her head a "no".

I lifted her up and carried her to the living room and sat down.

"Where does it hurt, baby?"

"H-he g-groped my b-b-breasts and it h-hurts." She sobbed.

I laid her head on my shoulder.

"Shhh. It's gonna be fine now, baby. I'm here. I won't let any one hurt you no more." I cooed as I rocked her.

After she calmed down (15 minutes later), I got up and walked us upstairs.

I went in my room and laid her down on my bed but she held on to me tightly.

"S-stay, please."

"I will, princess. I'm just going downstairs for a while."

"N-no." She clutched on to me tightly.

"Baby—" My eyes softened, "Okay."

"I russi hanno scoperto di Parigi e che hai una ragazza. È un bersaglio per i russi, capo." [The Russians found out about Paris and that you have a girlfriend. She's a target for the Russians, boss.]

I sighed when Matteo said that.

Paris was seated on my lap, doing some stuff on my phone with airpods in her ears.

"Talpe? Come facevano a saperlo?" [Moles? How did they know?]

"None and not sure, but on it." Matteo said.

I looked down at Paris and folded my lips.

"Ci muoviamo domani alle 10."
[We move tomorrow at 10]

[Italics are in Italian 👹]

"What do we tell Paris?" Romeo asked.

"Omertaaaa." Matteo drawled out.

"I— I'm breaking it."

"But you know how important to code of silence is, capo." Juliet said.

"So? She'll be my Donna and I have to tell her tomorrow. If she doesn't accept it, I'll kill her."

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