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Tw I think??? Panic attack??? It's not really but it kind of is so I'm just gonna leave this here :D


The bullet shoots past Luther's head, barely even making him flinch, Hazel and Cha Cha are sent flying from the force of the ice cream truck, which has also rammed into the sky-blue car. Everyone is in a panic - Luther briefly looks around for Five, baits the Commission agents with the briefcase, throwing it to the side, then runs over to get Klaus and Diego. Hazel sprints to his gun in the field while Cha Cha snatches up the briefcase.

I open the car doors as Luther stuffs Diego and Klaus into the back, then runs over to the drivers side and I stumble into the passengers, taking Ben's place.

"Sorry, Ben," I murmur as we pull away and Klaus displays his middle finger out the rear windshield. He looks sober and visibly happier. I'm proud of you, I want to tell him.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I seethe at Diego instead once everyone's caught their breath, whipping my head towards him. "Why are you here? And you brought him along? You wanker!"

"She just called you a wanker," Klaus snickers to himself.

I continue scowling at Diego, who doesn't doesn't meet my eyes. We hear someone shriek 'Shit!' but no one acknowledges it.

"Why did you come here?" I ask him again more calmly.

He lets out an exasperated sigh, and turns to me. "What if it was meant to happen?" he says, and I can hear the pain laced into his angry words.

"What?" I ask, sincerely confused.

"What if they did kill her?" he barks at me. "What if it was meant to happen?"

Realization finally dawning, I sigh, "Oh, Diego. You do realize how stupid that sounds, right?"

He turns away from me again, staring out at the landscape passing us by, almost ashamed.

"But I get it," I continue softly. "It's what you do. You care too much."

"I mean, I'd probably do the same if it were Al- s-someone that I, uh, cared about," Luther clears his throat awkwardly.

"Yeah. I'd do it for Dave," Klaus sighs, making a little cloud of condensation form on the window he leans his head against.

I'd do it for Five, my conscience says.

"What the fuck, dude?" I happen to say aloud, and everyone looks at me weirdly.

"What, these two knuckleheads can confess their undying love but I can't?" Klaus huffs, offended.

"No, no, not you," I say, still scowling at myself. "I was talking to the little psychopath in my head."

"Ah," Klaus says as if it makes sense.

But it doesn't. None of this makes sense. A gorilla-man in love with his sister, a seance who just lost his love, a knife-throwing softie that wants to avenge his love's death before it ever happens, and...

No, that's it. No more people in love, not in this car.


I wrote this chapter in a British accent can you tell

mama im in love with a fucking criminal☂ five x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now