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My knee bounces nervously as I sit in the passenger's seat in Five's van, Harold Jenkins hog tied and carelessly thrown in the back.

"Them attacking the academy leads to Klaus getting kidnapped and tortured for information, which leads to Patch getting shot and I cannot watch Diego go through that again. He blames you, of course, and briefly experiences a bout of homicidal rage." I babble on and on as Five drives recklessly to get us to the academy. "Fuck, I'm such an idiot, I can't believe I didn't remember. They've probably already got Klaus, they're gonna torture him, and it's all my fault, if only I'd-"

"Y/n!" Five bursts. "It's gonna be okay, stop stressing. Klaus'll be fine, have you met him?"

"Yeah, he popped a boner when Cha Cha was strangling him," I say, still fretting.

To my surprise, however, Five laughs. "There you go! You've got nothing to worry about. Klaus is Klaus, and Klaus is always fine. We'll have him back and high in no time."

As soon as we pull up to the mansion, I fly out of the car and burst through the door, which was already open courtesy of a certain pair of time-traveling assassins. I find Vanya in the entryway, seemingly in the midst of storming out. I also see the chandelier on the ground, but there are more important matters to tend to.

"Vanya!" I breathe, "Did they leave already?"

"Yeah," Vanya says, looking annoyed.

"Crap. Come on, we need to tell you something," I lead her into the living room, where a pissed Allison sits across from an equally angry Diego. "I assume Luther's up in his room, licking his gorilla wounds?"

"You knew?" Allison says, appalled.

"I know everything, remember?" I tap the side of my head with my index finger. "Including the fact that 'Leonard Peabody'," I use air quotes, "is manipulating you, Vanya."

I sit down next to Five on one of the empty couches. "I'll get Luther down here," he says before disappearing in a flash of blue light.

"What do you mean he's manipulating me?" Vanya says, clearly defensive.

"I know this is hard to hear, and probably really damn painful, but he's just...using you."

"What, just because I'm not special means that the one time someone actually likes me, is because they're getting something out of it?" she says, furious now.

"No, Vanya, that's not what I meant," I try to calm her. "You're actually more special than anyone in this room."

"That's a new one," Diego mumbles lowly, getting a heated glare from everyone in the room.

"You are so special, in fact," I pull out the diary from inside my jacket, "that Reginald was too scared to have you know it." I flip to a page describing Vanya's power and hold it up to her. "Those pills you take? The ones for your 'nerves'? They're suppressing your power," I tell her as gently as possible as she scans the page.

"I- I don't understand. I would have known if- if I..." Vanya says softly, seemingly to herself.

"Reginald couldn't train you to control your power, so he just...shut it off completely."

"Hold up, what even is this whole mystery power that makes little Vanya so big of a threat?" Diego interjects.

"She can manipulate sound waves, somehow turns them into energy," Five enters the room with a shame-faced Luther shuffling behind. "You can use the sound of a tuning fork to bring down entire buildings, cities even."

"Vanya," I say softly. "You cause the apocalypse."

A/N: I once heard someone read y/n as yauthor's note and that really resounded with me so I thought I'd share

mama im in love with a fucking criminal☂ five x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now