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"Shit!" the two of us say in unison.

"You know, we're awfully in sync," I say as I limp after a running Diego.

Diego bursts through the door before me, already throwing knives, and I assess the situation. There's two guns on the floor as Luther fights Hazel, while Five is pretty much just a flash of blue light around Cha Cha, uninjured, and I feel more relieved at that than I should. Don't jump too much, I want to tell him. You might run out of juice. But I don't think he'll take kindly to that advice given our current situation. All in all, I think we're doing pretty well.

Weirdly enough, though, the cupboard rattles and I hear a man's screaming from inside. Eh, we'll check it out later.

I spot Klaus still tied to the chair and I hop over to him on one leg as fast as I can and untie him, while he screams annoyingly over the fighting. "Shut up!" I say before un-gagging him, and thankfully, the screaming ceases as he gets up and smiles a gruesome smile with his battered face.

The reunion, however, is cut short when someone grabs me around the neck and starts choking me. I immediately take my crutch and aim for the person's stomach behind me, digging it in, hard. The grip on me finally loosens as the wind is knocked out of them, giving someone else the chance to pull them off of me.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Five asks me, looking me over as Cha Cha stumbles toward the gun, bent over.

"Five!" I point at her, and he instantly reappears in the spot where the gun was, and is now holding it himself.

"Looking for something?" he says sassily before kicking her legs out from underneath her, leaving her to roll around on the floor. He unloads the gun and chucks the barrel out the open doorway.

"Five, you need to grab Klaus and get out of here right now," I say to him frantically once he walks over.

"Where is he?" he asks, and I whip around to see the chair empty.

"Shit, Klaus!" I scan the room for the vent through which he escapes, which is, of course, knocked open and devoid of time traveling briefcases. "He took it."

"We need to leave," Luther says, grabbing both of us in each arm like large dolls, with Diego covering him, throwing knives at a limping Hazel and an only-slightly-hunched-over Cha Cha. He quickly carries us out of the room and to the stairwell, finally putting us on our feet.

"Take her and teleport to the car," Luther tells Five firmly. "We're right behind you."

Since my hands aren't free, Five takes hold of my waist, which makes my stomach do some weird flips. Five's hands light up blue and then...nothing.

"Shit, I'm too tired," he says, then pulls me out of the room.

"I fucking knew this would happen," I grumble as we try our best to run/stumble/hopscotch back to the van.

"Where's Luther and Diego?" Vanya asks, fretting.

"They're right behind us," Five replies as we pant, and I notice his hand still comfortingly resting on my back.

Not ten seconds after Five speaks, the door bursts open and Luther and Diego stumble in, with Diego yelling, "Go, go, go, go!" as gunshot rains down on the body of the van.

Vanya guns it and the van lurches forward, sending all three of us sliding backwards into the wall of Luther.

"Is everyone okay?" Luther asks as I disentangle myself from Five.

"Just a few scrapes and bruises," Diego grunts, holding his upper arm, from which blood flows freely.

"Goddamnit, Diego," I sigh, moving over and staunching the flow from the gunshot wound with a torn piece of my blazer.

"Oh, sure, tear up my clothes all you want," Five mutters bitterly.

"Shut up, dipstick," I respond fondly.

"So what about Klaus? He's got the briefcase, I assume?" Luther says.

"Yeah, he's supposed to go through the vents and then he catches a bus, although he did originally escape at night so that might change something?" I reply, unsure.

"So, what, we just check every damn bus in town?" Diego says. "Real practical," he rolls his eyes.

"No, shouldn't we just hang around the motel? I mean he'll be out soon, right?" Allison suggests.

"Yeah, and we can get shot at in the process, great idea, Allison," Five snaps rudely.

"Hey, lay off," Vanya defends her from the drivers seat.

"Yeah, Five," Luther says in support, clearly eager to get back in Allison's good graces. "Don't be an ass."

"Shut up, apeman," Five snips shortly, and I do feel bad for Luther, who gapes at Five with puppy dog eyes.

"Mean as he is, Five is right. It's not safe to drive around the motel," I say, then I get struck by an idea. "Buuuut," I drawl, "and this might not work, but it's worth a try - what if we send in somebody they won't recognize? To wait around for Klaus? And Hazel and Cha Cha won't shoot at them 'cause they just think they're a random passerby?"

It's comical how everyone turns their heads towards Vanya at the same time.

mama im in love with a fucking criminal☂ five x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now