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As Luther starts moving towards the stairs, I pound at his back with my fists, not doing much damage, while everyone other than Allison, who is also yelling at him to stop, stands indecisive.

"Stop it, Luther!" I jump on his back and grab him in a chokehold, which finally makes him stumble back slightly. "Let her go," I say venomously, tightening my grip on his neck.

"Let her go, Luther." Allison repeats, standing next to him, as Five and Diego linger in the back. Why aren't they stopping him?

"I have to do this," Luther chokes out, "I have to...protect you guys."

"Luther, this won't protect anyone!" I explain furiously. "You did this last time, don't you get it? You locked her up, and she exploded! You did that to her!" It's a bit harsh and not a complete lie, but I need something to jolt him out of his determination.

Thank fuck it works.

"What?" Luther breathes, and makes the mistake of relaxing himself, giving me the chance to jerk my body back sharply, catching him off guard. Luther tips over and lands on his back, losing his grip on Vanya, who stumbles into Allison's protective arms.

Unfortunately, my legs are now pinned under his massive shoulders, causing me to let out a painful groan. I'm almost certain I've broken something.

"Luther, you big goon, get off of her!" Five shoves Luther, which probably didn't do much other than tickle him. He rolls to to his side nonetheless, freeing me so I can finally move my right leg and- wow, yup, definitely broken, if the curses I'm sending towards Luther's mother are any indication.

"We need to get Mom," Five says seriously, looking my leg over.

"Yeah, I don't know if that's such a good idea," Diego says guiltily.

"Diego, you fucking idiot," I sob hysterically.

"Why, what's wrong with mom?" Allison says, still hugging Vanya protectively as the two continue to keep their distance from a devastated Luther who sits on the couch and holds his head in his hands, no doubt spiraling. I'd feel bad for him if it didn't feel like someone was ripping apart my leg from the inside out.

"Uh..." Diego draws out dumbly, clearly not expecting having to explain himself.

"Doesn't matter, we need to get y/n help," Five says, hauling me up and throwing my arm over his shoulder, supporting (most of) my weight.

"No, no, I'm fine, what about Vanya?" I protest.

"Yeah, Allison, y/n needs help," Diego rushes over, completely ignoring me and taking my other arm. "You guys..." he gives the three remaining Hargreeves a wary glance, vaguely gesturing with his hand, "sort this out, whatever it is."

"Take care of her and try not to chain her up!" I yell the last part while bitterly pointing at Luther.

Diego and Five help me limp to Five's van, pain shooting up my leg the whole time as I mutter profanities under my breath. When Diego opens the door to the back, a man screams, weirdly muffled.

"What in the hell?" Diego says as he looks at Harold Jenkins' struggling form.

"Forgot about this bastard," Five says, frustrated.

I think the pain has reached a point where it's making me delirious because I laugh out loud, "I don't know about you guys, but I'd be awfully sus if i saw this in a hospital parking lot."

"We need to take your car," Five says to Diego, slamming the door and effectively quieting the yells. We finally manage to get ourselves strapped in and on our way to the hospital. Diego's driving, thankfully, because I don't think I would've made it through Five's driving while conscious.

Diego and Five practically carry me through the doors to the emergency ward as a nurse walks with us and starts talking rapidly.


"Diego Hargreeves," the intellectual replies.

"Patient's name?" the nurse elaborates.

"Y/n Hargreeves," Five quickly says.

"What happened?" she asks.

"Her legs got crushed by a...gorilla," is the product of Diego's quick thinking, and I snort.

"I'm sorry, did you say a gorilla?"

As Five glares at Diego, I speak up, "I volunteer at the zoo and I was in the gorilla enclosure and the gorilla...sat on me." I finish with a chuckle.

"The gorilla sat on you?" the nurse sighs, sounding more tired than anything, not particularly surprised. I suppose people in the medical field have seen stranger things.

"Yes, we were...play-fighting," I struggle to hold giggles back. I look at the nurse to see if she buys it, and she looks mostly bored as she writes something down on a clipboard. "Gorillas, am I right?" I throw in for good measure, putting on a only-slightly pained grin.

We finally get to a bed that the two Hargreeves lower me into when she asks, "And what are you boys' relation to her?"

"Uncle," Diego says quickly.

The nurse turns to Five, who shifts uncomfortably. "Uh...boyfriend?" he says, blushing.

This doesn't faze Diego or the nurse, who carries her clipboard out of the room.

"Seriously?" I hiss at Five through the pain, which I most definitely had not forgotten about.

"What, you expected me to say brother? We're literally different races!" he hisses right back.

"Adoption exists, dumbass!"

"At least my first thought wasn't 'gorilla'," he whips his head to Diego.

"Was it a fucking lie?" Diego replies, more sass than anger.

"Hello, Doctor," I draw the boys' attention to the man that just entered the room.

"Hello, Miss...Hargreeves," he glances down at a clipboard. "Who got sat on by a gorilla," he says, pausing with surprise only for a second before saying, "Gorillas, am I right?"

I laugh heartily, almost certain I'm losing my grip on sanity.

"Well," the doctor says, moving around the room and shuffling shelves, "if you're laughing, it must be really painful."

"It is!" I say loudly through my giggles.

"Alright, I think it's best we give you some painkillers for now," the doctor turns around holding a gigantic syringe, which in hindsight, was probably smaller than it seemed at the time.

Diego and I faint in unison.

mama im in love with a fucking criminal☂ five x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now