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We regroup at home, where Luther and Vanya have made nice since he apparently no longer wants to block off her airways nor does he wish to lock her up in a reinforced room. At least that's what he claims. Nobody really fully trusts him.

Five and I explain the situation to Vanya, Luther and Allison, who all sit in the living room and listen attentively. We finally formulate a plan where Luther breaks down the door with his gorilla strength while trying not to get shot, Diego goes in behind him and does his whole ninja thing, Five grabs Klaus and teleports him back to the car, where Allison and Vanya will be waiting, and I (after a bit of an argument) have managed to earn my status as lookout throughout the operation. Five also has to make sure Klaus keeps his grabby hands off of the briefcase, which, after my explanation, has been deemed extremely important. Everyone has to stick together. I don't think anyone has complete faith in the plan, but, in Five's words, 'we'll improvise.'

Alas, does anything ever go according to plan in the Hargreeves household?

"Wait, where is Diego?"

It's as if everyone only notices the man's absence once Vanya asks.

"Probably putting on his dumb little monkey suit," I say. "God knows how long that takes."

"No, no," Allison says from where she stand in front of the window. "His car isn't out front."

"Well, where the hell could he have gone?" Luther asks.

"Shit, Diego, you heroic bastard," I say, getting up with the help of my brand new crutches and putting my uniform blazer on. "We need to leave. Now." I whip around to face Five.

"What, without Diego?" Luther says, looking up at us in confusion.

"No, King Kong, not without Diego," I say, positively shaking with nerves after no one's moved. "He's already there."

"Of course he is," Allison says in exasperation as everyone finally starts getting up.

"What, he went to get Klaus alone?" Luther asks as we rush out of the house.

"Yes, monkey man, keep up!" I say, nerves making me slightly meaner than usual.

Everyone is painstakingly squeezed into the van with Vanya as our getaway driver (I'm just glad it isn't Five) and Allison riding shotgun. We reach the familiar motel parking lot and spot Diego's car, with the man himself nowhere to be seen.

"I guess we just...go, then?" I ask uncertainly.

I don't get much of a response other than a grim but sharp nod from Five and Luther starts unloading himself from the back of the van. Five is pretty much the only one that succeeds with the whole 'stealth' part of the plan, what with Luther's size and my crutches that make an awfully loud noise every time they hit the pavement.

We manage to make it to the floor and find Five waiting for us in the stairwell near their room. "Took you long enough."

"Shut up, dipshit," I whisper back as way of greeting. "Where the hell is he?"

"I don't see him," Five replies, while Luther says, "Why are we whispering?"

"So, what, you're just gonna...bust down the door?" I ask. I don't have a good feeling about this.

"You got a better plan?" Five sasses.

"Well, maybe we should-"

"I didn't think so," Five cuts Luther off rudely. "Let's go." He starts moving towards the room, crouched and ready to jump any time as Luther shuffles behind.

I'm watching intently as Luther kicks the door down when a deep voice says from behind me, "What are you idiots doing?" and I jump about ten feet in the air, nearly dropping my crutches, before getting ready to beat the shit out of whoever that was.

I turn around and see-

"Diego?" I say, surprised. "Diego, you asshole!" I punch him hard in the arm. "You fucking gave me a heart attack."

"Okay, ow," he rubs his bicep. "How did you hit that hard?"

"I actually don't know," I say, flexing my fingers, which surprisingly aren't sore. "But what the hell were you thinking?" I hiss at him. "We seriously need to have a talk about that hero complex of yours," I jab a finger in his chest.

He scowls. "I don't have a-"


mama im in love with a fucking criminal☂ five x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now