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At my statement, there is a collective gasp from four of the Hargreeves siblings.

I can almost hear Klaus say, 'Well, that's a bit dramatic, isn't it?' Saving Klaus will be my first priority after this is over. It was, after all, my fault they got him.

"Why would I...?" Vanya looks down at her shaking hands, her face a mask of pain, fear and worry.

"You lost control," I say simply. "You didn't mean to. It was all an accident. You got overwhelmed, and you just...exploded."

"You exploded the moon, to be exact," Five helpfully inputs.

"But- but wait, what does this have to do with Leonard?"

"His name is Harold Jenkins, actually. And he sort of has a...grudge against the Umbrella Academy. He stole Reginald's diary, read up on you and he's been trying to use you to get revenge on your family."

"No," Vanya says, a little hysterical. "No, he wouldn't do that, he's such a nice guy, I mean...Leonard Peabody could never."

"Except he's not Leonard Peabody, he's a filthy, lying, sociopathic criminal. He murdered his own father when he was twelve." Five says. A little harsh, but it needed to be said.

"What?" Vanya breathes, putting her head in her hands.

"It all lines up," Allison speaks up for the first time. "Vanya, you have to believe them." I give her a meaningful look, encouraging her to tell Vanya. Reluctantly, she adds, "Dad made me do something when we were younger, but it never made sense to me up till now."

"What are you talking about?" Vanya pulls her head out of her hands.

"When we were around four, Dad made me rumor you into thinking you were ordinary."

"You what? And you never thought to tell me?" Vanya says, her tone rising.

"I didn't know! I just brushed it off as nothing, I only realized now." Allison pleads.

"Right," Vanya says intensely. "Oh, and I assume I now have more value in this family, since I'm not ordinary."

Sighing, Diego starts, "Vanya, that's not-"

"Oh, yeah, maybe now you'll actually consider me your fucking sister, Diego, huh?" she explodes, standing up. "You don't have to actively hate me anymore because I can blow up the entire planet!"

"Vanya," Five puts a hand on her shoulder. "You know that's not true," he says softly. "We still love you, powers or not. For now, though, you need to calm down."

Vanya closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, fists clenched and looking like she's willing the anger to leave her body. Rudely, my brain thinks about how Vanya is holding back so much anger and emotion in such a small body that it's almost comical when she blows up- emotionally, that is. There's nothing comical about Vanya Hargreeves physically blowing up.

Vanya is calmer now, but the anger in her eyes has been replaced by fear- fear for what her siblings will do to her, fear for what she can do to them, fear for becoming a monster? Possibly even a mix of the three, I wouldn't doubt.

Luther gets up and walks over to her, grabbing her up in a hug.

At the same moment, I yell, "Luther, no!"

Because Luther starts squeezing. 

mama im in love with a fucking criminal☂ five x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now