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The Hargreeves siblings and I sit in awkward silence while we wait for Vanya and Klaus' return.

I look over at Five, whose eyes are glazed over and brows pulled together. I nudge him, hoping to get him back to earth, and his expression morphs into one of panic. The flashbacks from the apocalypse. I'd almost forgotten about those, seeing how normal he's always acted. I take his hand gently, and he suddenly breaks out of his vision of the past - Future? - and looks at me with some residual alarm in his eyes, finally relaxing when he recognizes where he is. Surprisingly, though, he doesn't let go of my hand and that makes my heart hammer in my chest.

"So..." I drawl, hoping something will come to me to break the silence once I get the words out of my mouth. "How you doing, Delores?" I say to the mannequin in the corner of the van. I realize nobody ever speaks to her or even acknowledges her, really. "What'd she say?" I squeeze Five's hand.

"She says she's fine, how are you?" Five replies in a bored tone.

"I'm good, actually. Well, the apocalypse is supposed to be upon us, so that's...yeah." I say, and we slip into silence again.

"So, Luther, how was it on the moon?" I turn to the big guy.

"Lonely, cold. Dark." is his short, gruff reply.

"Ah." Another silence.

"How long have you guys been together?" Allison directs towards Five.

"Who?" Five asks in confusion. "Delores and I?"

"No, dummy, you and y/n," Allison clarifies.

Both our eyes widen at the same time and we release each other's hands, speaking over each other, flustered.

"Oh, no, we are not together," I say as Five says, "W-what even made you think that?"

"Look at them getting all blushy," Diego says.

"You act like an old married couple all the time," Allison says. "It's actually pretty adorable."

"And you said you were her boyfriend at the hospital," Diego adds.

"You were literally just holding hands," Luther says.

Five and I look at each other with matching expressions that say, 'Can you believe these guys?'

"Okay, that's, like, completely ridiculous," I say, stumbling over my words.

"Yeah, yeah, totally," Five agrees. "I barely even like her."

"Yeah, Five's totally gross," I say, and he gives me an wounded look, in reply to which I shrug and give him an apologetic grimace.

"Okay," Allison shrugs lightly. "But you would make for a cute couple some day."

"We would not!" Five says.

"Absolutely not!" I add.

"Most definitely not," Five confirms.

"Certainly-" I get cut off by the door opening and Luther falling backwards out of the van because he was leaning on it.

"Oh, thank God," Five and I mumble at the same time, and give each other a weird look.

Vanya stands outside the van with a pale, exhausted, traumatized-looking Klaus leaning against her heavily, his hands bloody.

My heart instantly breaks for him, because I'm sure he's already time travelled back to the war, even though it happened much faster than it was meant to.

Allison moves to the drivers seat and Diego takes her place to make room for Klaus and Vanya, who climb in with Klaus holding onto Vanya tightly. I remember that the two have never been particularly close (really none of the Hargreeves siblings have been close, perhaps with the exception of Allison and Luther) but Klaus clearly needs comfort and Vanya is the nearest source.

"Hey, man," Diego says softly, turning around to look at his brother.

Klaus can only look up at him with an alarmingly vacant expression.

"We should go home," Luther says, looking at Klaus tenderly.

Allison starts the engine and the dysfunctional Hargreeves family sits out the ride in complete silence.

mama im in love with a fucking criminal☂ five x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now