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"Son of a bitch" I growl out.

Using all my strength, I kick the guy on top of me and he is send flying onto the other truck but before I can recover the other guy rips me backwards by my hair. The force causes my red flower to fall out my hair and fly away with the wind.

"My petunia" I pout.

I turn to the guy in anger and grab his head, smashing it against one of the guys fighting Bucky. They both collapse and the Barnes man gives me a nod of appreciation. I shrug with a grin and turn to see Walker take out three people with the shield before giving his friend a fist bump. I share an exasperated look with Sam before looking at Bucky who glares at the Walker man.

"Sam. John Walker, Captain America" Walker introduces himself, saluting my friend.

"Lemar Hoskins" His friend speaks up.

"Looks like you guys can use some help" Walker states.

Just as I open my mouth to stubbornly tell them to go home, I'm once again grabbed and socked in the mouth. I realise this time it's a female, not that it matters because I'm still gonna kick her ass. She tries to punch me again but I catch her arm, twisting it behind her back and sending a powerful kick to her back which sends her scrambling towards Walker and Hoskins.

As another guy tries to run at me, I roundhouse kick him in the face before grabbing him by the jacket and throwing him onto the opposite truck. As my eyes look over I see Bucky and one of the guys tumble off the side of the truck. The Barnes man grabs onto the metal, scraping the whole way down with his metal arm until he almost touches the floor.

"Hey, Bucky! You need a hand?" I ask curiously, crouching down to get a better look at him.

"No, I'm good! Great, actually!" He answers, causing me to laugh.

He clings onto the small step at the bottom like a koala as the other guy repeatedly tries to stomp on his arm to get him to fall.

"That little girl kicked your ass" Sam laughs at Bucky who is still clinging on for dear life.

The blue eyed man screams in anger but his eyes widen in surprise when the step falters, causing him to reach his arm out. The metal scrapes against the concrete making sparks. I once again try to offer my help but the sound of a gun firing makes me jump in fright.

Once I recover from the shock of that idiot Walker firing a gun in my direction, I decide enough is enough. I reach down and grab the guy trying to get rid of Bucky, throwing him at Walker. Bucky then uses this chance to grab onto the other truck and pull himself up. I hold out my hand and he takes it, letting me pull him up for the second time today.

"Incoming!" Sam hollers before the both of us are grabbed by the flying man.

I grab onto one of them, squeezing my eyes shut as we hit the ground in a field and start rolling due to how fast we were going. We finally stop rolling and I feel a heavy weight on top of me. My eyes flutter open and my words are caught in my throat when I see a pair of ocean blue eyes staring right at me.

"B-Bucky" I stutter, mentally kicking myself for it.

"What?" He asks.

"Get the fuck off me" I demand and he seems to snap out of his daze, pulling himself onto his feet.

He holds out his hand to help me up but and shake my head, getting up on my own.

"Could have used that shield" Bucky quips, looking at Sam who is still laying on the ground.

"Help me up" He groans and Bucky does just that.

"Those were all Super Soldiers, Sam" Bucky declares.

"I know" Sam replies.

"You're welcome, by the way" I chirp, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Thanks, doll" Bucky replies.

"No, I hate it" I say, referring to the nickname.

"Even better" He smirks.

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