Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

One week later.

Arthit kept stealing glances at Kongpob who was on the phone with his younger brother. Something was bothering him. He could tell by the way Kongpob's shoulders sunk and the way he massaged at his forehead as if he had a headache. And yet Arthit wondered why he even noticed these little gestures about him. It has been a week since Kongpob made his last suicide attempt at the lake and they rarely spoke to each other since. There were days when Arthit overheard him on the phone with May, pleading for her to come back to him, but so far, May hadn't return.

Arthit was bothered by the fact that Kongpob was starting to appear more and more like him in the past, drowning himself in his own sorrows, waiting for May's return, feeling alone, abandoned and in agony.

"Alright. I'll try, but no guarantees," Kongpob said aloud, catching Arthit's attention.

Arthit who didn't realized that he had stopped sweeping, quickly pretended to go back to his sweeping when Kongpob hung up and turned toward him.

"Let's go shopping," he said suddenly.

Arthit looked up instantly. "Huh?"

Kongpob bit on his lower lip and rolled his eyes at him before saying, "Shopping. You know what that is?"

"Yes. But we don't need to go together, do we? I mean, I went grocery shopping yesterday. The fridge is full," Arthit lied, thinking about how he often made the food appear magically in front of his eyes.

Kongpob lifted his right hand to scratch the back of his head, reluctant to explain further. "We're leaving the house tomorrow to attend Chris's engagement party. Together." He waved his hand back and forth. "I want you to be my date."

Arthit let out a small surprised gasp and covered his mouth to ask, "You mean, like going out? Like almost like a date?" For some strange reason, he couldn't contain the small excitement in his voice. Shaking his head, he quickly added, "I can't. C'mon, I can't be your date."

Deep inside, Arthit felt like an awestruck teenager who just got asked out on a date by a guy.
A hint of a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. For some odd reason, Kongpob too, appeared like a shy, nervous apprehensive teenager boy. 

"C'mon. Just go as my date. Chris asked that you be my date for the party."

"Ah, I get it. You're doing this on behalf of Chris?" Arthit asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He implied it. I'm only following his suggestion."

Arthit pretended to look away as if he didn't care. "What about...May?"

"She can't make it," Kongpob answered solemnly.

Arthit offered him a single glance and noticed the bleakness in his expression, sighing, he said "Alright. I'll go. When do you want to go shopping?"

Kongpob nodded. "How about now?"

Arthit nodded in response. "Sure. But...we should shop in the city. This place has no special shops."

Kongpob left to start up the car and Arthit was on his way out when Tay appeared in front of the door, with his arms folded firmly in front of him. He was smiling at him when Arthit approached him.

"Do you realized what you're doing, Arthit?"

"Sure, I'm going shopping," Arthit replied earnestly.

Arthit reached for the door when Tay blocked his path. He glowered at him. "Tay, be serious. I need to go."

Tay shrugged lightly. "It's not that I won't let you go. It's this house. Will it let you leave?"

Arthit stopped to think. To be honest, he had never wandered far enough to know, so he was taking his chances with this. "I've been to the lake. I left this house before."

Tay gazed around observantly. "I meant this place all together."

"The only attachment I have to this house now is Kongpob. I'm free, remember?"

"Since this will be your first time, leaving this area. You can't stay long or you'll suffer from the effects." Tay replied seriously.


"Like side effects. No headaches though. Just feeling weak. Perhaps becoming more...transparent." Tay looked at him oddly, tilting his head to the side.

"I'll keep that in mind. Now, let me pass."

Tay blocked Arthit's way once again, "One more thing."

Arthit rolled his eyes, feeling like a Tay was only trying to waste time.

"One last question."

"What is it?"

"What are you?" Tay asked with a glint in his eyes.

"You know what I am."

"But do you know what you are?" Tay pried further, giving him a long look.

Arthit replied confidently, "Yes."

"Then answer me properly."

"I am a guardian spirit sent to protect a suicidal human," Arthit paused, "wait—why do I need to explain anything to you?"

"We've bonded, remember? I have every right to know where you are and what you're up to."

"Gosh. You act as if I'm not doing my job."

With a smile, Tay moved out of the way to allow Arthit to pass. "I was just checking. Happy shopping."

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