Chapter 17

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Currently, we are sitting in Ms. G's car. Dabi has been silent for the most part, but Ms. G has been explaining to us what happened.

Supposedly, Mes went looking for El since she left us, without telling us where she was going.

When he was searching, I guess the villains she was with didn't know who he was or what he was doing and unfortunately, well you get the idea.

Dabi was sitting in the back, with me in the passenger seat. I was holding Ms. G's hand as she drove. Her hand was shaky and sweaty and she couldn't stop crying.

She looked like she was holding in most of it, but tears were still leaking out.

Ms. G takes a deep breath before continuing. "And Jonathan?" she takes a pause and releases my hand to wipe her tears. "He keeps on blaming us."

My eyebrows furrow using my free hand to wipe the tears that fell. "He's what? Why?"

"He said, 'If Mes never continued to hang out with you guys, this wouldn't have happen.'" Ms. Guérir says.

I'm so shocked that I couldn't even form a response. The same Jonathan that helped us break out Dabi? The same Jonathan that spent nights with us, laughing and watching movies?

That Jonathan.

Could you really blame him though? He just lost the love of his life.

"What's Nadir and El doing?" I ask Ms. G.

"Well," Ms. G starts, now calming herself down. "Nadir stayed at the hideout since Jonathan told us to meet him there. When I left, Jonathan was still shouting at us."

"El? She hasn't come back ." Ms. G says with a slight chuckle that quickly changed, her trying to stop her tears.

I take Ms. G's hand back in mine, and slightly turn my head looking back at Dabi.

His head was resting on the headrest with his eyes closed. I could tell he was crying due to the wet spots on his shirt.

My heart couldn't hurt more for him. He just lost one of his best friends, in a terrible way at that.

Turning my head forward again, I see Ms. G turn into the alleyway toward the hideout.

Parking, we all get out and walk up to the doors.

Opening the door, I see Jonathan sitting on the couch, head in hands.

Nadir was sitting on an armchair with his head leaning on the back of the chair.

Hearing the door open up, Jonathan looks up, eyes full of tears and red.

When our eyes meet, all I could see was the anger that was filled in his expression.

Jonathan stands up, sniffling and slowly walks toward us.

"Jonathan," I say as he gets into ear shot. "I'm so sor-,"

"No, please." Jonathan says holding a shaky hand up to stop me. "I can't take anymore apologies."

I close my mouth which was hanging open slightly and swallow. This has to be hard for him.

"You know," Jonathan starts. "If I could convince Mes, just on more time, to leave you guys to the fucking gutters, I would." Jonathan said.

My eyes slightly widen, taken aback from what he just said. "John-,"

"Please!" Johnathan cuts me off once again. "You're the last, the very last person I would want to hear. Type of hero are you?" Jonathan says disgust all over his face, turning around walking toward his seat.

My eyebrows furrow.

"I know you just lost your lover, but I also lost a friend. I know I didn't know him for as long as you did, but what the fuck? We're all fucking grieving."

Jonathan turns his head to look in my direction.

"I'm trying to be as sympathetic as I can, but you're making it so hard." I say with a breathy sigh.

"You do not know how it feels to lose a lover, do you?" Jonathan says eyebrows furrowed and tears swelling back up.

"No, but-,"

"Exactly! I don't want to hear what you have to say! You can't even put yourself in my shoes. So please, please let me grieve in the best way I know how." Jonathan says, tears now rolling down his face.

He was definitely right, I've never lost a lover nor can I put myself in his shoes.

Jonathan takes his seat back on the couch placing his head in his hands.

Dabi puts his hand on the lower part of my back and guides me to a couch near the door.

As we sit down, I look at Dabi. He looks so sad that it hurt my heart to look at him.

I outstretched my hands and wrap them around his head and he leans into me.

"He shouldn't be dead." was all Dabi could mutter before he softly cries into my chest. I just felt so bad that I couldn't change this outcome.

Some time goes by as the room calms down a bit, a couple of soft sniffles here and there, but for the most part it was qu-

"Open the fucking door!" we hear as someone bangs on the front door.

Everyone's heads snap toward the door, shocked expression on everyone's face.

"Hurry up and open the fucking door!" the person shouts, their voice was shaky and it sounded like their voice was on the verge of going out.

"El?" I question, unwrapping my hands from around Dabi, I stand up to go open the door.

As I open the door, I see a bloodshot Electrus. Hair a mess, lipgloss rub off, and eyeliner streaks on her face.

"El-," before I could finish my sentence I was pushed back with so much force I fell to the floor.

"You stupid ass bitch!" El shouts as she walks into the room. "It's your fault!"

I was taken aback.


Looking up at El as I see her walk towards me, I bring my legs up to stand up, but before I could, El grabs me by my collar, lifting me up.

"He's dead because of you!" El shouts tears falling from her eyes.

"El, I didn't kill Mes-,"


My head was turned to the opposite direction as the side of my cheek stung.

Did this bitch really just slap me?

"Don't ever say his name again." El says as she shoves me back to the ground.

My mouth was slightly opened, shocked from what just happened and the room was silent.

I slightly look around the room, everyone's expressions the same as me.

What is happening?

𝐀 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒; 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂 𝟐/𝟐Where stories live. Discover now