Chapter 8

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(This chapter will also be in 3rd person, might change in the middle, but if so, I'll let you know. :) Enjoyy.)

"What the actually fucking fuck! What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck." El say as she begins to freak out. "What do you mean he's gone?!"

"He's not here!" Y/N says, louder than expected.

Mes doesn't know how to respond to Jonathan as he was confused to the max. "What?"

"Dabi. When he was in his testing, he was left alone for a little while and when the nurses came back, he was gone." Jonathan explains.

El and Mes both are jaw dropped shocked.

"What the fuck is happening?" Ms.Guérir asks.

As she was in the hideout, she turned out the TV to see the news say Dabi escaped.

There was no way that he got out, right? Not on the same exact day they were going to rescue him.

Ms.Guérir enters the kitchen to make herself some tea to calm down. Two sugars and 1/4 cup of creamer. Just how she liked it.

"Dabi, you're such a fucking dumbass. What the fuck." Y/N groans as she walks to the of the room they were holding Dabi in.

Putting her ear to the door, since there wasn't any windows, she hears rushing through the halls.

"Nadir, come to the 9th floor. You know where Dabi's room is right?" Y/N asks Nadir through the ear peice.

"Yeah, I'll meet you there." Nadir says as he walks into the stairwell.

As he walks up he sees people rushing down. To where? He couldn't tell you.

He makes it to the 9th floor as he walks down the hall. He turns the corner to see a bunch of guards standing in front of the door that leads into Dabi's room.

Would Nadir be able to make a good lie this time? He sure hopes so.

"Excuse me!" Nadir yells at the four guards.

This was a hit or miss situation and for the love of god, he hoped he would succeed.

They all look at him furrowing their eyebrows.

"You aren't suppose to be on this floor." one of the guard says.

"Yeah! I know, but there's a gas leak downstairs and we think Dabi is behind it. They said he might still be in the building so they need all the guards to go to room 102." Nadir says.

All the guards eyes widened and smiles appeared on there faces. You want to know why? Because it would be an immediate promotion if one of them found him.

Not even thinking, they begin to run down the hall and bursting into the stairwell.

Nadir felt like he could hear applause. Like the heavens were shining and the angles were singing to him.

That was all fake. Well the applause was real since Mes, El, Ms.G, and Y/N all heard his amazing performance.

"Well done, Nadir." Mes says.

"Well done, indeed." Ms.Guérir says as she continues to sip her tea.

"I mean what can I say? I am an all rounded amazing, talented, charming-"

"Okay, Nadir don't get a big head." Y/N says as she opens the door of Dabi's room.

Nadir and Y/N take off down the hall as they enter the stairwell.

Y/N couldn't believe the fact that Dabi wasn't there.

Yes, it was fine that he was able to escape, but with all the stuff they went through, she was just a little disappointed.

"Hey! You!" Nadir and Y/N hear as the reach the bottom floor.

Turning around, Nadir eyes widen as he sees the guy from before.

"Wait, new assistant? Is that Ex-Hero Y/N?!" the guard says stopping in his charge toward them.

Y/N doesn't stop running as she makes her way out the door, but Nadir give him a slanted smile as he waved goodbye running out the building.

"Guys, hurry the fuck up or we're gonna get caught." El says starting the ignition, before she could even put the car in drive, Nadir and Y/N jump into the van.

"Drive! Drive!" Y/N yells as they speed off.

They all sigh as the drive away from the building, police cars passing by them.

They all unhook there earpieces as they connect Ms.Guérir to the car.

"Fucking Dabi. Always doing shit on your own." Mes says with a sigh as he runs a hand through his hair.

"I know that piece of shit could've at least told us or something." El says.

Yes, there was no possible way Dabi could have told them, but still they were all looking forward to getting him out.

"Guys, we can't put all of this on Dabi, you know. He probably, no, he didn't even that we were coming for him." Ms.Guérir says with a sigh.

"Yeah," Y/N sighs as she feels a gust of wind hit her back. Turning she sees Nadir retracting his arm and rolling the window back up.

Ms.Guérir had still left the TV on and as she glances up at it, she sees Y/N's name plastered on it.

"Y/N, you sure are famous." Ms.Guérir says.

"What? What happened?" Y/N asks.

"You're on the TV. 'Y/N spotted at Fasins Inc. Could she be the reason why Dabi is missing. now?'" Ms.Guérir reads.

Y/N chuckles at how close, but how far the reporters were.

"Well, that's annoying." Y/N mutters.

The rest of the drive was silent with a couple of small conversations.

The pull up to the hideout and all enter the building, exhausted.

Nadir and Y/N head into the bar as Y/N just sits and Nadir pours himself a glass.

Nadir pauses a little before grabbing another and feeling it up, before sliding it to Y/N.

"Oh, I'm not much of a drinker." Y/N says with a smile before sliding it away a little.

"Trust me, just drink it." Nadir says.

Y/N looks at the glass before sighing. She picks it up, downing it and placing it back on the table.

As the drink goes down Y/N's throat, she found herself thinking about someone she felt would have been the last person on her mind.

Crimson Riot.

(Y/N's POV)

How long has it been since I had a good drink?

Probably the last time Riot and I had a vent session and we stayed up till 9 in the morning and missed hero training.

I laugh as I think to myself.

"Nadir hand me the bottle."

𝐀 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒; 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂 𝟐/𝟐Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt