Chapter 10

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I open my eyes from the pain in my head. Sitting up straight, I look through blurry eyes at the mess on the counter.

There were three or four empty bottles and cups everywhere.

Looking to my side, I see Nadir slumped over the counter sleeping.

Sighing, I shake Nadir awake. "Nadir," I say as I wait for a response. "Nadir."

"Hm?" was all Nadir could muster up as he adjusts himself on the chair.

"Go to bed. I'll clean this up." I say as I stand up from the stool.

Nadir mumbles an 'Okay' as he stands up exiting the kitchen and down the hall to his room.

"Fuck." I mumble as my head begins to pound. Picking up the bottles, I toss them in the recycle bin. Of course I recycle, you know?

Anyways, I bring the cups to the sink and begin to scrub away as my head continues to pound.

I need to go out somewhere to get some Advil, but I can't go to a supermarket. Maybe just a corner store somewhere.

I put the cups on a drying rack as I walk to the front door, putting on my shoes.

Do I even have any money? Fuck. I'll find something somewhere.

Taking, what I assume is Nadir's jacket, I toss it on, putting my phone in my pocket and exit the building. I put the hood on and zip it up to conceal myself from any wandering eyes.

Putting my hands in the pockets, I feel what seems like glasses?

Pulling it out of the pocket, I see I was right.

Putting the glasses on, I walk for a bit, turning a couple corners until I see a corner store.

"Finally." I mumble to myself.

I enter the corner store and turn toward the back, the cashier not even sharing me a glance.

Okay, so no money and you're already in the store. You're already wanted and a "villain", right? Stealing should be the least of my problems, right?

Okay, where are the pills?

I look around the small store as my eyes land on the tower of pill bottles on the front counter.


Okay, Y/N. Think, how can you slickly get the pills without paying?

Got it.

I walk up to the front counter as the cashier finally acknowledges my presence.

I give him a small smile, because I'm not a maniac, and begin to look over the pills.

I can still feel the cashier's eyes on me as he tries to hide it with the newspaper in his hands.

Rolling my eyes, I reach for a pill bottle, pulling it more aggressively than needed, causing the bottles to all fall on the floor.

"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry!" I exclaim as I crouch down to pick up the bottles.

As expected, the cashier hops of his chair to walk around the counter and as he takes his eyes off me, I slip the bottle in my pocket.

𝐀 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒; 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂 𝟐/𝟐Where stories live. Discover now