Chapter 16

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I wake up to the sound of, well nothing. I just wake up, with my surroundings the same from the night before.

I raise my head a little to look at the guy I love, sleeping peacefully.

I take a deep breath before slowly moving off the couch, making sure to not wake Dabi.

I walk upstairs to the bathroom before standing in front of the mirror, rubbing my eyes.

I grab my tooth brush and brush my teeth, thinking what I should eat for breakfast.

"I'll probably just make some pancakes for Dabi and I." I say to myself.

I finish that before washing my face and patting it dry with a washcloth and moisturizing.

I walk into the kitchen as I pull out a bowl and whisk and walk to the cabinet to grab the pancake mix.

Pouring the mix in the bowl, I grab a cup filling it with milk then proceeding to pour it into the mix and mixing it.

I grab a pan and cooking spray and put the pan on the stove heating it up.

I grab the bowl, continuing to mix it.

I walk to the fridge grabbing some eggs, placing them on the counter.

Checking to see if the pan is hot enough, which it is, I pour some of the mixture onto the pan and begin making my pancakes.

I grab a spatula, placing it to the side as I grab the eggs, cracking it into a bowl.

I mix the eggs together and pour in my seasonings.

I grab the spatula and flip the pancake before continuing to make the breakfast.


I place the fork next to the second plate as I step back admiring the food I made.

I take a deep breath and release it, smelling the different aromas.

I walk out the kitchen, back to the living and shake Dabi awake.

"Dabi," I say, waiting for a response. After not getting one, I shake him once more. "Dabi!"

Hmm? Dabi hums as he rolls over, opening his eyes.

"I made us breakfast," I say stepping back. "Go brush you teeth and come eat."

"You did that for me?" Dabi asks, morning voice and all.

"No, I did it for me," I said with a questioning face. "I was hungry, and out of the kindness of my soul, I decided to feed the homeless."

Dabi scoffs, sitting up on the couch. "Our living conditions are literally identical."

"Regardless, go brush your teeth and come eat," I say pointing to the stairs. "I don't want our food to go to waste, again."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going." Dabi says as he stands up from the couch, making his way to the bathroom.

I grab my phone off the coffee table and make my way over to the kitchen. Sitting at the table, I go on Twitter, 'cause who doesn't like reading controversial arguments?

Going to the Trending section, I see myself trending. What a pleasant surprise.

"Y/N and Dabi, both, simultaneously disappear."

I scroll through a couple of tweets, most saying how much of a traitor I am, before logging off.

I got to get used to it at some point.

Sitting in my chair, I smack my teeth realizing Dabi still isn't done. Standing up, I walk to the fridge and pull out some orange juice.

Smiling to myself I pour a cup for Dabi and I and as I put the juice back in the fridge, I hear his footstep coming toward the kitchen.

"Wow, it smells great." Dabi says reaching out his arms in a stretching way.

"Thank you," I say walking toward the table, placing down the cups. "I try, I try."

Dabi takes a seat in front of the food that was set out for him as he grabs his fork. I take the seat next to him and begin to dig in.

As I'm eating, I can feel this unwanted pair of eyes on me. Looking to my side I see Dabi side eyeing me.

"What?" I asks after swallowing the bit in my mouth.

"The juice?" Dabi says with a stank face.

"Why you acting like you don't drink orange juice." I say furrowing my eyebrows.

Dabi didn't have a rebuttal so all he could do want scoot the drink closer to me. "I have to stay loyal to my pact with Nadir."

"And what was that?"

"To never drink orange juice again." Dabi says taking another bite of his pancakes.

"What did the juice ever do to you? You literally had some just some months ago." I say shocked.

Not only was the pact stupid, but it had no reason.

"It had the audacity to compete with something way out of its league." Dabi say stuffing last bit of food in his mouth.

"You both are literally a menace." I say as I drink some of my orange juice.

Dabi stands up, taking his plate to the sink and running some water over it. "Also, I'm not a menace, I'm amazing. Being an orange lover puts you in a place where you're basically irrelevant."

"What?" I say shocked laced all through my face. "Dabi, just shut the fuck up already."

I stand up with my cup and plate in hand and take it to the sink, passing Dabi.

"What you're not gonna drink the rest of the orange juice?" Dabi asks, leaning on the counter, arms resting behind him.

"Shut up." I say as I walk back to the table, grabbing Dabi's cup.

"Ha, so you're going-," Dabi was cut off with the sound of his phone ringing.

"You better answer that." I say raising my eyesbrows and placing the cup to my lips.

Dabi scoffs as he stands straight up, reaching into his pocket. "Hello?"

As I drink my orange juice, I see the blood drain from Dabi's face.

"What?" Dabi says with a slight chuckle. My eyebrows furrowing as he speaks. "Don't fucking play with me, okay?"

"Dabi, what's happening?"

Dabi raises a shaky hand up to me as he continues to listen to the person on the other side.

"Slow down, what exactly happened?" Dabi says, his voice was shaky and it sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

I place the cup of orange juice on the table as Dabi sets his phone down on the counter.


I could feel my heart drop to my stomach and I couldn't help but stumble just a little after I heard the next words leave Dabi's mouth.

"Mes is dead."

𝐀 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒; 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂 𝟐/𝟐Where stories live. Discover now