She too crouched down followed by Jess who too had now realised the situation.

"Yun you know your Mommy she is helping someone. She is doing a really great work so she has to be careful , she can't run around like before" Lilly said

'Is Mommy also sick?" Yun asked in a broken voice on the verge of crying.

"No baby Mommy is not sick" You said, turning him to face you. "Mommy has something very special, you know right how precious you are to mommy? Same way right now mommy has something which is as precious as you to someone. Mommy is responsible to take care of it well for as long as she has it. She can't let down trust someone has put in her. So she has to be careful and protect it from everything. " You cupped his round cheeks . " I promise when I come back we will play all our games like before but right now mommy can't. Are you angry with Mommy?" You asked softly.

He shook his head before pecking your lips.

"No Mommy, I love you, I am not angry. I know you will never let anyone down. You are the best" He giggled while hugging you.

It always felt so complete, so wholesome when you had him in your arms.

"Ok get set GO!"

The three of them ran , no one less than the other. At sometime it was Jess leading then it was Lilly , Yun wasn't any less. He ran along with them . Jess touched the pole first then Yun followed by Lilly and then they tuned in your direction. The first one to touch you would be the winner.

'Yess Yun ! Come one hurry up!! Momma is waiting for you." You cheered kneeling down. "Yeah baby just a little more"

In no time he had surpassed Jess and now was leading.

You opened your arms wide for him. Panting he collided in your chest breathing heavily.

"Take deep breaths love, Relax" You cooed in his ears rubbing his back.

He soon relaxed now comfortably sitting in your lap. " I am the fastest see! I defeated the two of you" He proudly boasted.

"Yes yes We accept your defeat baby"


While parking your car you noticed Namjoon's car was already here which means he is also back. It was 6 already. After playing around the entire day and doing so much of activity Yun was thankfully asleep when you were driving back to Lily's place. It is never easy parting with him, but it's better when he is asleep. At Least you don't have to see him pretending to smile to not make you upset.

You were feeling little sad but anyway you were really happy. You spent the day so well, unlike last time today there wasn't a constant fear of getting caught or hearing Namjoon's scolding. You cheerfully entered the house only to squeal in happiness.

You saw Taehyung seated on the couch having some sort of conversation with Naamjoon, the moment he heard your squeal he turned to see you already coming in his direction.

Both of you shared a long hug before parting. "I missed you so much pretty lady"

"I missed you too Tae. " You pouted seating with them.

Last few days he had been so busy with the hospital and he had a seminar overseas that you guys didn't get a chance to even talk. Namjoon frowned seeing how close you seemed.

"Today I finally had a day off, me and hyung had to attend a party and after that I came here with him to see you. I want all the deets about what you did today, your smile seems particularly bright today." taehyung teased.

You spent the evening chatting with him about your day and even his. He knew about Yun so there wasn't anything to hide from him. He knew Yun from before you knew Namjoon. Namjoon had some work so he went to his study so you could openly tell him about everything.

"Yn I am actually so happy to see you now, I can't express how relieved I am to see and hear everything. I am so glad hyung has understood everything"

"Honestly I am really happy too Tae. HIs change made everything so easy for me. Not gonna lie at apoint I was actually thinking if I made the wrong choice coming here but now I am glad I did" You assured him.

"Didn't i tell you hyung isn't bad person"

"yeah guess you were right" You chuckled

"yn I wanted to talk about Yun, Is he doing fine?" His tone suddenly serious. 


"So you had a really good day isn't it?" Namjoon chuckled seeing your over enthusiastic figure.

"Yeah I did." You replied taking out the kimchi you had helped in making setting in between you two. Both of you had a really happening day and didn't have much appetite so settled for ramen and some freshly made kimchi.

It was already past 10 so Ajhumma was also asleep so it was just the two of you.

You both had some random chit-chat while Namjoon found himself secretly admiring the beautiful smile of yours.


Sorry in a hurry so this might have alot of typos and errors. 

Thank you for reading. Take care .

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