In the past I found it way too easy to say no. I had work at the bar and was too tired after, or Noah and I had plans or some other vague excuse. Now though, I don't have a good reason and she knows it.

"Tris, wanna come clubbing tonight?" I ask him, standing from my desk, at least if he comes then I won't get ditched when Mel finds her man for the night.

"Sorry Mack, poker night with some old high school mates. Where is Mel wanting to drag you off to?"

I glance at the text again. "Some club called Pandora, she says it's classy and not full of seventeen year olds with fake i.d's," I roll my eyes.

"A classy club in Melbourne? Let me know your verdict after," he laughs. "But you should go, enjoy yourself, let loose, go wild, whatever it is you girls say to each other."


The lights flash around me, the music is loud and my hips are moving to the beat, aided heavily by the copious amounts of alcohol flowing through my blood. The same alcohol that is clearly clouding my judgment, because there are hands on my hips and I throw my head back onto a hard, muscular shoulder.

I feel the scruff of his facial hair against my neck as he leans down to whisper in my ear. "Come with me?"

"Is that a question or a demand?" I giggle.

Wait. Giggle. I don't giggle. Sober Mackenzie does not giggle.

"It was a question, but if you want to be told what to do we can make that happen too," his low, gravelly voice in my ear sends goosebumps down my arms, that can definitely not be blamed on being cold in the sweaty nightclub.

I'm not sure exactly when this night changed from Mel and I going for a dance, having a few fancy cocktails and a good old fashion girls night, to being propositioned like this. In fact, at this point I don't even know where Mel is. I also don't know how he found me, but I'll play, because the alcohol is guiding me at this point. I'm not drunk, but I'm absolutely not sober enough to get behind the wheel of a car either.

"Mmm? Is that so?" I don't know what I'm saying, I don't know what I'm doing with him and why I'm entertaining his advances and I really don't think I sound as sexy out loud as I thought that would in my head. But whatever this is, I'm kind of enjoying it.

"You and I both know what I'm capable of Mackenzie," he reminds me.

I turn in his arms to face him, probably a little bit too fast for the heels I'm in and the drinks I drank. He steadies me by placing his hands firmly on my waist, and I can't help but notice the size of them, splayed out over my barely covered body.

Barely covered because Mel convinced me to wear something I never would have worn, like ever. It's little, it's black, it's tight and there are cut outs on the sides.

"Alex, did you know I would be here? Or is this just by chance we are meeting like this?" I ask the question that had been on my mind since he approached me on the dance floor.

"I'm not stalking you Mackenzie," he avoids answering directly.

"It sure seems like you might be," I raise one brow at him teasingly. In all honesty, when we socialise and work in the same group, it's no surprise he knew I'd be here, he probably heard me mention it. But the fact he actually came is surprising.

"What does it matter, I'm here now and you're not pulling away from me. Some friends of mine have a private room upstairs, so I'll ask again, come with me?"

"Come with you, or come with you?" I question cheekily and yep, there's that giggle again. While I'm busy finding myself hilarious, I see Alex's eyes darken as he pulls my body flush against his, one of his hands moves from my waist to my thigh where he toys with the hem of my dress, his fingers super softly dragging just under my ass cheek. Because did I mention how short and tight this dress is?

Discovering MackNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ