Hells Bells -- A New Friend

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He gives me a brief nod before he disappears from sight with a strange fluttering noise. I gasp softly and scramble for my phone. "Bobby--" I pant as he picks up. "Some fuckin' creep just came in-- he knows who I am, and he knows about the wards I'd put on myself." I explain breathlessly. "I need every ward you've got and I need 'em now."

Bobby growled. "I'm on my way, get to the basement." Bobby barks.

I slam the phone down and hurry downstairs, and into the panic room he'd built. I gazed at the iron wall in exhaustion. My hands are scrubbing against my belly in an attempt to cease the constant movement, but by the time Bobby is finished, he's knocking on the door.

"You good?" He asks softly as I pry open the door. "You're exhausted, Lottie. You need to rest." He says.

I shake my head. "The kids making it hard. I'm getting closer and closer to delivering it. I need a doctor, because I'm having more contractions daily, but any other doctor would suggest I go to a hospital." I explain tiredly.

Bobby hums gruffly before pulling out his cell phone. "I may know someone. You go upstairs, and relax. I'll shut the garage down."

I nod gratefully and let him lead me upstairs.


I awake sometime later with an intense wave of pain tugging at my belly. I groan tiredly and swing my legs over the side of the bed, and lean backwards. "Shit," I whine. My cell is downstairs. My water broken, contractions making me nauseous, and to top it all off, I have no idea how to take care of a child.

"Carlotta." I shriek loudly as Castiel appears before me again, as if from thin air, his stoic gaze remaining on the swell of my belly. "It's time."

Another surge of pain shoots through my abdomen and I shriek again. "How did you---" I bellow out another shout before slumping to the ground, my hands bracing against the floor as I wait for the contraction to pass. "How did you get past-- past the wards?" I ask tiredly.

"I told you. I am an angel of the lord, sent to make sure your child is born." He explains as he steps towards the middle of the room and tosses a blanket onto the ground.

"Do you even know anything about child bearing?" I ask.

Castiel grunts. "I have been alive for thousands of years." He simply says before helping me squat over the blankets.

"I'm not expert," I grit. "But I thought I was supposed to be on my back..."

"It's easier for women to bear children like this." He says before getting to his knees behind me. "Are you ready?"

"Absolutely not!" I hiss angrily before I'm hit with a strange urge to push. It's like a weight has latched onto my stomach muscles and it's pulling downwards. I groan loudly. Sweat is slicking down my body. Everything is too hot-- god, why was it so hot? I don't know how long I was in that position, screaming and pushing as if my life depended on it, but when I'd heard that first initial shriek come from the infant that Castiel had caught, I slumped forward, my legs slumping against the ground, trembling wildly from the exertion. "Is it-- What is it--" I stammer.

He just hands me the bloody child, umbilical cord still attached. "A girl." He says. "My duty is done."

"You're-- You're just leaving?" I ask tiredly.

Castiel nods gruffly. "My duty was to ensure the child's safety. I must return to my original goal."

"And-- And that is?" I ask through my panting.

He scrapes his hand over the top of my head, but doesn't reply. He leaves immediately after, and I'm left to deal with the remainder of my labor.


"So, he showed up again?" Bobby asks as his hunter friend checks over the baby.

I nod tiredly and scrub at my face. "Yeah..."

"And... he said he was an angel of the lord..." Bobby tries clarifying.

I shrug. "I don't think that was the case." I mention. "There's no such thing as angels. You and I both know that. I mean, yeah, I wanna find one, just in case, but... there's no way, right?"

Bobby grunted. "Any lore that I got, is minimal." Bobby says with a sigh. "At least it went smoothly, right?"

I grunt. "Define smooth? I don't know how to take care of a baby. Thank God for Google. I didn't know how to change a diaper before I looked it up on YouTube."

Bobby chuckles. "She sure is pretty." He says after he lifts her from the crib he'd set up when he got here. "Lots of black hair, just like her mom." I flush at the comment and gaze over at him. "Any idea what you're naming her?"

I nod. "Mary Sandra." I hum softly. "After Dean's mom. He liked that."

Bobby smiled and handed her over. "Yeah. You hear from Sam?"

I shake my head. "No, after that fight, well, I'm glad I hadn't heard from him." I explain.

Bobby grunts and rubs his head. "Yeah. Well, give me a call if you need me. I'm gonna make a run to the store-- grab you some diapers, cause they go through a lot."

"Did you have kids?" I ask curiously. "I don't remember any."

Bobby shook his head. "You ain't the only idjit who knows how to use a computer."

We both laugh at that.

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