Chapter 68 - Stressed out

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"So as you know we do the big firefighters parade every year" Grissom says
"Yep! Firehouse 78 hosted it last year" Maya says as she smiles
"I want you to host it this year. From what I've seen today you run a tight ship!" Grissom says as Maya sits there shocked
"I would be honoured!" Maya says smiling
"Great! It's a week today! Don't disappoint me!" Grissom says before walking out
"A week? That's not a lot of time!" Maya says starting to panic
Maya calls a meeting in the common room and everyone is gathered when she arrives
"Let me set one thing straight! If I have annoyed you in any way shape or form in the last few days then I'm sorry! But I really need all of the help I can get right about now!" Maya says looking at Casey
"What's up chief?" Cruz asks
"51 have been asked to host the annual firefighter parade! And it's next week! And I don't know what to do! I need all hands on deck!" Maya says as she smiles nervously
They spend the next 2 days organising the whole event and Maya has come up with the perfect idea. She has gathered everyone in the common room
"Okay! The parade is to celebrate firefighters and their families right?" Maya asks
"Right?" Brett says
"So I'm gonna have all the firefighters walking down with their kids! And we're gonna get the kids little firefighter hats. The chiefs are gonna walk down first, then the captains, Luitenents and Firefighters! We're gonna start at firehouse 7 and walk the 10 minute walk down to 51 where there is going to be food, games and just a place to hang out!" Maya suggests
"That sounds great! I'm sure the kids will love that!" Herrmann says smiling
"Great! Dismissed!" Maya says as Casey hangs back
Everything has been resolved with their argument and they are back to normal
"What are we gonna do?" Casey asks
"Your going to take Noah!" Maya says trying not to look at him
"Your the chief! You should take him!" Casey says
"No! I want him to go with his dad! End of discussion!" Maya says as Casey nods and walks out
Over the next few days Maya visits all of the firehouses in Chicago and everyone is on board with her idea. She is shattered and is driving home
"I could collapse!" Maya says as she sits on the couch
"Hard day?" Casey asks sitting next to her handing her a glass of wine
"16 firehouses! And that was just today!" Maya says as she takes a sip of her wine
"I'm sure it will all pay off tomorrow!" Casey says as he kisses her
"Hopefully" Maya says smiling

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