Chapter 25- High Speed Chase!

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It's a week after the wedding and Maya is on shift along with Casey. Casey and Kelly are sitting on the roof smoking a cigar and Maya climbs up the ladders to join them
"Have you ever noticed that it's weird that headquarters give these out as gifts?" Maya says as she sits down
"What do you mean?" Kelly asks
"It's just we're firefighters! We get told not to inhale the smoke in a fire? Why are they letting us smoke and gifting us them!" Maya says
"It's too early for this!" Casey says rubbing his temples
"Yeah! It's 8am! I can't think straight this early!" Kelly says
"Okay Jeez! Don't get your knickers in a twist!" Maya says sitting back in her chair
"Okay! Now I'm thinking about it!" Kelly shouts
"Well just don't think about it!" Maya says
"I can't!" Kelly says annoyed
"Think about something else!" Maya says closing her eyes and laying back
"Like what!" Kelly says sitting up
"Socks!" Maya blurts out
"Socks! That was the best thing you came up with!" Casey says laughing
"I panicked!" Maya says looking at Casey but he just smiles
"Stop looking at me!" Maya says laying back in her chair
"Great! Now I'm picturing socks!" Kelly says as he stands up
"Okay! How's that arson case going?" Maya asks
"It's okay! Just not great! We've got a man but we can't quite get his location yet" Kelly says sitting back down
"What does he look like?" Casey asks
"We don't know yet! But he drives a grey Audi! He's been seen around Chicago by whitenesses pulling fire alarms in high schools" Kelly says
"That sucks!" Casey says
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine51, Ambulance 61, Automatic school fire alarm, Westwood academy" The intercom says
"That our guy?" Maya asks as they slide down the ladder
"Probably!" Kelly says as he runs over to engine
Maya jumps into squad and they are last to leave the firehouse. Truck and Engine arrive first and Kelly radios over to Maya
"False alarm! Turn back!" Kelly says
"You sure?" Maya says as she notices a car driving in front of them
"Yeah? You good you seem distracted?" Kelly says confused
"What car did you say our guy had?" Maya asks
"Grey Audi why?" Kelly says
"Licence plate?" Maya asks
"KJ78 TFI" Kelly says
"I've got eyes on our guy!" Maya says before putting the radio down
"Step on it Tony!" Maya shouts
Squad start to chase after the car but the car just keeps going
"Maya! We're right behind you!" Casey and Kelly say through the radio
"He's not stopping!" Maya says
"Keep going!" Kelly says
They keep driving until the guy takes a sharp turn causing Tony to loose track of the road. Squad 3 then goes straight into a wall....

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