Chapter 27- Heart to Heart

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Dr.Choi manages to get Mayas heart started again. And she lies there hooked up to all these machines. Casey has been given the all clear to go and see her but he just can't. Kelly has gone into see her
"Hey you! I don't know if you can hear me but I'm gonna talk anyway! Just hang on for us this time! We still need you! Or Casey needs you! He can't loose another wife!" Kelly says taking Mayas hand in his
"I can't loose my best friend! I need you! You keep me right! I would have been dead by now! If it wasn't for you!" Kelly says as Casey appears at the door
Kelly quickly stands up and lets Casey have some alone time. Casey stands and looks at Mayas lifeless body lying on a hospital bed hooked up to all these tubes and wires. He can't quite believe what's just happened and he can't bear the thought of loosing Maya
"Hey Sweetheart! How you holding up? I really hope you can hear me! I sat and wrote a full speech out! My English teacher would be proud of me!" Casey says sitting down in the chair next to her bed and taking her hand in his
"I don't know how to say this so I'm just gonna come out with it! Please don't die! I need you here! We haven't even had a chance to become a mum and dad yet! Remember our plans for the nice big house and little kids running around! Our little boy and little girl! We need to grow old together! Retire together and watch our kids grow up! There's so much things that we need to do! So you can't leave yet!" Casey says as Kelly stands around the corner listening in
"Kelly would really miss you! You've became his partner in crime! Your almost his number 1! After me of course!" Casey says as Kelly lets out a little laugh
Kelly then walks in and sits next to Casey
"She looks so beaten up!" Kelly says looking at the cuts and bruises on Mayas face
"But she does look peaceful! If she goes she could finally look after our kids! She would finally be a mum! Maybe it's okay if she goes" Casey says looking at Maya
"Don't say that! You couldn't cope without Maya! None of us would! She's gonna fight!" Kelly says as he laughs
"I know she is! But if she gets too tired I wasn't her to know that it's okay! I'll mange without her!" Casey says as he smiles at Maya

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