~Flower Boy~ (DoHwan 2/2)

Start from the beginning

They could have spent some more time but time knew no bounds. So, Junghwan had to leave soon.

However, the arrival of the younger became frequent for the next few weeks. Doyoung couldn’t always go to the province areas, but he still tagged along with the king during the patrolling time because he wanted to get to know Junghwan more. And as the King realized that the younger can be trusted because of Hyunsuk’s recommendation, he let Doyoung visit Junghwan’s parents too. Not to mention, how much exaggerated Doyoung’s welcoming ceremony to their house was!

The constant vising of each other’s places let their bond strengthen and their fondness for each other grow. When Junghwan arrived at the castle, Doyoung would take him along to the garden, to the field, to the pantry, to the royal assembly room of cultural activities, to the royal library, to his study room and so on, but his favorite was when he took the younger to his own room, sometimes accompanied by Hyunsuk, sometimes not. It felt like Junghwan was really close to him when they held each other’s hand on Doyoung’s enormous bed and talked about everything and nothing.

“Your highness, you are really kind and pure and it sometimes scares me.” Junghwan spoke one day as he was lying on the bed on the edge with his leg hanging down, the same way as the prince was lying beside him. They were initially looking at the ceiling, moving their legs rhythmically. But at what the younger said, Doyoung looked at his side.

“Why?” he asked.

“If anyone comes and makes you trust them and then causes you any harm?” Junghwan sounded worried as he spoke, “I don’t think I'll be able to accept that!” he finished as he sat up.

Doyoung pulled himself up as well, resting his head on his palm while his elbow held the weight on the soft mattress of the bed. He stared at Junghwan’s profile and his fine nose. The fact that the younger was worrying about him made him feel glad.

“That won’t happen,” The prince softly said, “Because you'll be there to protect me.”

Junghwan had to look back to see Doyoung’s face. Making a serious face, the younger started, “But what if I am not there to protect you? What if our friendship is- is ruined and you trust a wrong person?”

Doyoung sat up straight at that. He examined Junghwan’s face- his whole face was plastered with concern and worries for the prince. Suddenly, Doyoung’s heart felt light and a smile appeared on his lips.

He held the younger’s butter smooth chin in his palm.

“This friendship, Hwanie, I treasure it.” He rubbed Junghwan’s chin with both of his thumbs a bit and the younger was so still that it seemed like a spell had been cast on him. “I won’t let it end by any means!”

Junghwan looked down. He suddenly felt shy, being held like that by the prince. A faint blush appeared on his glowing skin as he fidgeted with his fingers. Doyoung found it extremely cute. Not to lie, he found Junghwan cute quite often but that was kinda the best of them all.

And it led the prince to do something crazy.

He made Junghwan look at him with his thumb and index finger on the younger’s chin and ever so gently kissed the pretty lips of the country boy. Their lips barely touched, but the beating of their heart didn’t know that. Both felt the abnormal rise in their heart beat and in an instant, Junghwan leaned back.

“Y-your Highness!” Junghwan stuttered. Honestly, he was scared to no bounds. Doyoung smiled a genuine smile, holding Junghwan’s hand again, “Don’t be afraid, Hwanie,” Doyoung gently said, “This is just my way of showing my love for you. You don’t have to worry about anyone saying anything because this is totally my own emotions acting.”

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