truth or dare

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"Mirio where did you leave the chips at!" Y/n shouted from the kitchen as she searched through the cabinets

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"Mirio where did you leave the chips at!" Y/n shouted from the kitchen as she searched through the cabinets.

Mirio and Tamaki were in the living room waiting for Y/n to get back. The three of them had finally met up all together and so far it was going smoothly.

"Uh I finished them..." he muttered.

"REALLY?!" She whined. She searched through the rest of the cabinets looking for snacks before settling on a random candy bag.

She walked back into the living room and sat next to Mirio. "So what do you guys want to do now?" She tossed a candy into her mouth smiling at the sweet flavor.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Mirio smirked, making shivers run down Tamaki's back.

"I- don't think that's the best idea"

"YES GREAT IDEA" Y/n agreed setting her candy bag down before turning her full attention to the two of them.

"We should wait for Neijire to come over though" Y/n quickly checked her phone to see if she had texted her before she heard the doorbell ring. "That must be her!" She ran toward the door, opening it to reveal Neijire.

"Yay you're here! Hurry up, we're going to play truth or dare!" she pulled her back into the living room and sat back down.

"Hey guys!" Neijire waved at the rest of the group, smiling.

"Hey! Are you ready to play" Mirio smiled brightly.

"Definitely! I'm excited," She turned around to peak at Tamaki who nervously stared at the floor. "Are you excited Tamaki?"

The boy shook his head "You guys are probably going to make me do something embarrassing..."

"WE WON'T BE THAT HARSH!" Mirio swore secretly laughing in his head. Of course he was going to make him do at least one embarrassing thing.


"Yay! Let's get started"

The group started on their game, each of them going easy on Tamaki only making him eat something gross instead of embarrassing him. Until...

"Mirio, it's your turn to ask Tamaki!" Neijire turned to look at Mirio who smirked mischievously.

"You said truth last time, meaning you need to do dare now!"

Tamaki nodded nervously before looking back down to his feet. "I dare you to kiss Y/n"

The rest of the group's eyes widened before Y/n turned to look at Tamaki instantly making eye contact. He turned away quickly to hide his reddened face.

"Ouuuu!" Neijire teased.

"You don't have to if it's too embarrassing Tamaki!" Y/n reassured him.

"What?! That's not fair none of us were allowed to back out of our dares!" Mirio argued.

The voices of the three arguing faded away from Tamaki's ears. All that was going through his head was whether or not he should do it.

I mean this was his chance. He wanted to and he had an excuse for it. It was just a dare. It was also so embarrassing to do. Especially in front of his other friends.

What if he never got another chance to do it? Was this it? Was this the universe giving him a one time chance...

"Y/n you're giving him special privileges just because you guys like each other!" Mirio pouted, turning away from the group.

"What?! Who said that!" Y/n yelled before suddenly she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned to look at the nervous boy.


"I'll do it.."

"Don't feel pressured to Tamaki! You don't—" Her words were cut off from Tamaki pressing his lips onto hers.

Y/n kissed the boy back before pulling away not wanting to embarrass him in front of the group more than he already was.

Mirio quickly snapped a polaroid and smirked happily after he achieved what he wanted. For Tamaki to finally realize that's what he wanted all along.

He had to help the poor boy. He would've never realized it on his own.

The two turned with wide eyes after seeing the flash. "DID YOU TAKE A PICTURE?!?" Y/n yelled, snatching the polaroid away from his hand.

"WAIT GIVE IT BACK I WANT TO SEE FIRST!" Mirio yelled, tackling Y/n on the ground. Both of them fighting for the picture back . Both of their laughter began filling the room.

Neijire carefully leaned over grabbing the picture from Y/n's hand before Mirio could get it or Y/n could rip it.

"Hey, give it back!" Y/n pleaded.

"Nope! Tamaki gets it he gets to decide what to do with it" She handed the picture to Tamaki once she realized it had finally finished developing.

He took a quick glance at the picture before stuffing it away in his pocket, unable to look at it any longer in front of the group.

The evident blush grew on his cheeks after the fact that he kissed Y/n finally settled in. "I want to see it !" Y/n ran over to Tamaki.

"Wait, I want to see it too! I took it, I need to see it first" Mirio yelled running after her.

The rest of the night they both begged Tamaki for the picture but he didn't budge. He kept the picture in his pocket.

Neijire laughed at the group complaining at the fact that she didn't give it to them. Tamaki smiled at the sight he finally felt at home.

He had amazing friends and most of all Y/n. He had kissed Y/n. Maybe those feelings of wanting to be around her he didn't understand were because they were romantic feelings.

He had never had feelings in that way. He couldn't understand them fully. Thanks to Mirio though he realized what those weird butterflies he got around her were.

Maybe.. that kiss meant something.

Or maybe it was just a dare to her..

Either way he was determined to figure out what it meant. Of course without embarrassing himself.

 Of course without embarrassing himself

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