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Y/n closed her cat's food box before standing and dusting herself off

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Y/n closed her cat's food box before standing and dusting herself off.

"Iris," Y/n looked around her, not spotting her cat in her bedroom. "She's probably downstairs.."

Y/n made her way downstairs searching for her cat. Looking under and behind things Iris wasn't anywhere.

"She's probably hiding somewhere.." Y/n made her way to lock her front door before noticing her window wide open.

"Crap did she jump out the window.."

Y/n quickly ran out of her house searching for her cat outside. "IRIS"


Y/n panicked searching all over her lawn unable to find her . "She couldn't have gotten that far right.."

Y/n groaned before walking down her street looking in every corner. "Iris.. kitty kitty"


Y/n quickly perked her head up after hearing a cat. "Iris is that you?"

"I swear you better not be stuck up in some tree—"


Y/n squinted her eyes looking up to where the meowing was coming from . She landed on a windowsill that Iris was sitting down on while licking her paw.

"Oh my god Iris get down"

The cat looked curiously at her owner before hopping in through the open window.



Y/n looked over to the downstairs window noticing the light on. "Well they must be awake I can just go ask for my cat back"

Y/n trotted over to the front door and rang the doorbell. She stood at the door waiting for a response but no one ever came.

She rang the doorbell one more time hoping someone would answer. "Please Please be awake stranger" Y/n pleaded .

Suddenly the door creaked open slowly revealing a raven haired boy. He looked at her awkwardly without saying a word.

"Damn you're kinda hot"

His cheeks became red and he couldn't speak a clear sentence. "I—"

Suddenly Y/n saw a white cat roam behind him.


The boy stood frozen at the door looking bewildered at the random girl on his doorstep. Unable to comprehend why she would come to his house and ask him to marry her.

"Oh crap I totally forgot why I came here but anyways my cat kinda jumped into your window so I was wondering if I can get her back.."

"W-Which ones is your cat?" He opened the door wider to reveal several cats laying on his furniture .

"She's a black cat I—"

Suddenly the boy closed the door on her face without a word . "Okay then..."

She waited on his doorstep for a few minutes before she heard the door open again. "Um... there's more than one black cat, can you look for her?" he awkwardly looked away while reluctantly letting her in.

"Yes, no problem!" She stepped into the home looking around for Iris.

"Iris baby, where are you?" she called for the cat.

Tamaki stood in the corner awkwardly hoping the girl would leave soon.

Y/n suddenly felt something pulling at her sleeve. She turned around to face the white cat from earlier . "OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO CUTE" she picked up the cat and began to pet it.

Tamaki looked at her in disbelief but was too afraid to tell her to hurry up.


She looked away from the white cat when she heard a cat meow and saw Iris.

"Iris you're okay!" She placed the white cat back down and picked up Iris cuddling the cat into her chest while the cat purred against her.

He stood in the corner awkwardly watching as she interacted with all the stray cats . Suddenly she spoke up catching him off guard.

"Wait, you never answered my offer about us getting married!"

He gently shook his head denying while his cheeks turned hot again. "Aww you're blushing, see we are meant to be together," she looked at him up and down curiously. "You like cats, I like cats — You're clearly shy and I'm not but opposites attract so"

She smiled brightly at him while he tried hiding his embarrassed face with his hands. "I'm sorry I have to go back home"

"You're home smart ass" she teased the boy.

The boy realized what he had said and turned into a stuttering mess again. He didn't know how to talk to new people, especially not pretty girls...

"Okay fine I won't bother you anymore," Y/n pouted. "See you around!" She walked out his front door and waved goodbye one last time.

He watched as she walked away with her cat cradled in her arms. She cooed at the cat and acted like it was a baby rocking it back and forth.

He stepped back in his house after the weird encounter. He looked down toward his feet watching as his white cat Jasper purred against his leg. He bent down and pet his head, smiling softly at the cat.

He watched as Jasper made his way to the door and pawed at it while meowing. He looked at him confusedly unsure at what he wanted.

Before realizing ...

He wanted the random girl he didn't even know the name of .

He wanted the random girl he didn't even know the name of

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