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It had been a few weeks since Y/n last saw Tamaki

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It had been a few weeks since Y/n last saw Tamaki. She has been caught up working or hanging out with other friends.

She was sprawled across her bed after a long morning shift at work. She yawned and stretched out her body .

Suddenly she felt the bed move slightly meaning that Iris had probably jumped onto the bed. Soon she felt Iris's fur across her leg before the cat jumped onto Y/n and laid across her stomach.

Y/n moved her arm down to pet Iris's stomach which was facing up at the ceiling almost mimicking Y/n's position.

She rubbed Iris's fur feeling her purr against her hand . She adjusted her position on her bed and picked up Iris to place her on top of her again.

She admired her cat smiling before realizing...

Why does her stomach look bigger..

"Have I been over feeding her?" She questioned herself.

She thought back to every time she fed her . Iris was never the type to even finish all her food she slept most of the day.



The cat looked at her confusedly, not understanding why her owner was screaming again. "Is it Jaspers?! That's the only male cat you've been with"

Y/n stared at Iris with wide eyes unable to process the situation. "Oh my god..."

"Iris you whore you got dicked down before me" Y/n laughed at the cat while Iris simply laid across Y/n's legs.

"Oh my god I have to tell Tamaki he's a grandpa!" She picked up her phone sending Tamaki a message that there was an emergency and to come over fast.

"Well now I'm going to have more kittens!" Y/n yelled happily cuddling Iris in her arms.

After a few minutes Tamaki was in front of Y/n's door. He didn't want to come over but his nerves wouldn't leave him alone after she said it was an emergency.

Knowing how she is it probably wasn't but he couldn't be at peace without knowing what was happening.

He timidly knocked at the door before hearing footsteps rapidly approach the door. " You're here!"

"Pay up pretty boy Iris is pregnant and I know it's Jaspers!"

Tamaki looked at the girl confusedly. "P-Pregnant?"

"Yes! and Jasper is the only Male cat she's been around"

"Just come in and see for yourself," Y/n dragged Tamaki in by his sleeve leading him upstairs to her room. "Look!"

He looked down toward the direction Y/n was pointing at and watched as Iris strutted across her room. Looking at her stomach it was noticeably bigger... and rounder.


"Yea so pay up for child support!"

"B-But isn't child support if a human parent leaves their kid.."

"Tamaki shush either Jasper is in the kitten's life or it's child support!"

Tamaki's cheeks grew red hearing her say his name. How did she even know it ? He didn't know hers..

It would be too embarrassing to ask what it was...

"Why is your face so red ?" Y/n asked before plopping herself back down on her bed.

"I- I um— you said my name.."

"Yea and ?"

Then she remembered they hadn't even exchanged names. She only knew his name because of Mirio. Knowing Tamaki he was probably panicking over it in his head.

"Oh! You don't know my name"

"It's Y/n and yours is Tamaki! I know because of Mirio I'm not some kind of stalker" She laughed out loud making Tamaki grow more embarrassed.

"Y-You know Mirio?"

"Yea! He's been my friend for so long I just didn't know you two knew each other till a few weeks ago when he told me"


"Anyways we will be the best grandparents and help out cats raise their babies together !"

Tamaki looked away from the girl not knowing what to say. "Do you want to watch a movie since you're here already ?"

"I- I don't know if I should—"

"Oh c'mon Tamaki stop being shy ! It's not our first time meeting, sit down and we can watch whatever you want" She smiled brightly at the boy before he timidly walked over to the bed and sat down.

The rest of the night Y/n teased the boy finding it funny when he became nervous around her. At one point she ended up falling asleep leaving him next to her finally at peace from all the teasing.

 At one point she ended up falling asleep leaving him next to her finally at peace from all the teasing

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