Chapter 14

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Seeing Brittany and Josh hold hands and kiss makes my stomach churn. And the thing that makes me even madder that there intertwined fingers and flirty comments is that it shouldn't be. My stomach shoulder be trying to empty itself on the lunchroom table. It should be feeling butterflies when Ian touches me. My breath should catch in my throat when he leans down to kiss me but instead I feel like I'm suffocating when I watch Brittany plant a soft kiss on Josh's lips.

I shake my head and get up from my seat, grabbing my purse and walk out of the lunchroom, ignoring the yells from Josh and Ian for me. I can't be here, if I have to see Josh and Brittany kiss and flirt with each other my two small bites of my salad and breakfast will make a second appearance.

I pull out my keys from my purse and unlock my car before throwing the door and climbing in. I drive out of the parking lot, heading towards an unknown destination just as the first tear falls down my cheek.

*Brittany's POV*

That was fairly easy, I think to myself as Arianna fast walks out of the cafeteria. A little fake flirting, holding hands and giving Josh light kisses of the cheek worked better that I thought it would, at least when it came to Ari it did.

I look away from the door Arianna just disappeared through and look over at Ian's standing form. I wish he would hurry up and realize his feeling for me and fast, so I can be with the man I love.

*Josh's POV*

I felt bad the second my eyes landed on Arianna when she walked over to the table just as Brittany planted a huge kiss on my lips. I wanted to reach out and tell her it was all fake, I want her to know that I should be the one holding her hand and kissing her, not Ian.

I felt even worst when she got up and fast walked out of the lunchroom. I jumped up from my seat just as Ian did and called out to her. I have to explain to her that I don't like Brittany, that it's just an act to get her to want to be with me. I run out if the cafeteria and down the hall, only thinking about finding Arianna and telling her the truth.

*Arianna's POV*

"Hey." I drag my eyes away from the crashing wave to look into a pair of blue eyes. My boyfriends blue eyes.

"Hi." I whisper and silently hope I don't look like I've been crying. I've been sitting on the beach for a couple hours, watching the waves crash on the beach as tears stream down my face. Every once in a while I would see dolphins jump out of the water and return to it a couple second later, out in the distance.

"When I was little, I use to wish I was a dolphin." I say, I see Ian look at me out of the corner of my eyes but I keep my eyes focused on the waves in front of me. I watch a guy surf along on a little ways down from us. "I've always loved swimming. When I was little my mom would call my her little mermaid."

"Make sense, you wanting to be one, seeing as you swim on a daily basis." I look over at Ian and give him a small smile.

"It's not just that. They're called the children of the sea. They play all day long, everyday of their lives. They never have to grow up." I wish I was a dolphin right now. I wouldn't have to deal with Josh and brittany's love fest.

"When I was a kid I wanted to be president." I take my eyes away from the rolling waves and look over at Ian and burst out laughing.

"Very oringinal." I giggle. Every kid in my kindergarden class either wanted to be a princess or the president. I was the odd ball out, wanting to be an animal and all.

"Hey, you never know, it could still happen!" Ian says, trying to keep his face serious but failing and giving me a wide smile.

"Well if it does, you have my vote." I smile. Being here with Ian, having my head laying on his shoulder and his arm thrown around my waist, it was nice. I don't know why I felt like being with him was like a chore. Maybe it's because I may have feeling for Josh.

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