“She doenst but Heather did before she disappeared” Cameron mumbled as Sébastien stood up.

“No wonder Luna defeated me in the street fight” He added as Noah nodded.

His eyes gleamed. He's proud to be the gamma of harley.

“The dangerous part is their mark guys. Fin amd Ryder have been keeping an eye on them since they were taken in by their adoptive parents. They want to use their power to rule over the previous blue moon pack and finish all the packs by joining with the rogues” Mason finished showing us the picture of the mark.

It was really small but it was in a visible shape of a moon.

“How do you know about us though? And how do you know Ryder and fin have been planning this?” I chided as I looked at him.

“Heather told me when she was about to run from her home, but of course I didn't believe her until Cameron came  down to my house all furious half shifted when he couldn't find Heather plus I have an Intel among them. They keep me updated” He said closing the laptop.

“You don't know where Heather is?” Sébastien asked Mason as he gave us a dejected look.

“No” He muttered.

“Wait - harley told me something about Heather today” I blurted as Camerons head snapped up to me his eyes full of hope.

“she told me she isn't dead but in coma. That's all I know atleast we know she isn't dead” I said as one of my pack members mind linked me.

“Alpha I have 50 warrior's with me in the north front, the rest 50 are on Tristan's team comign from the west.
Their has been some commotion between the rogues recently they have been sneaky lately” He told as my mind connected with all the warriors.

“Okay, keep me updated of the situations. All warriors stay alert ome mistake and I'll be punishing you myself. Your Luna, my mate has been kidnapped and we'll find her today. I don't care what you do, one mistake and you all are getting 50 marks” I fumed as their nervousness, fear, determination seeped through the link.

“Yes alpha!” They chorused as my eyes became normal again.

“Noah you are in charge of all the unmated warriors. I need no lacking behind. Train them day and night. Keep shifts of 25, when the first shifts rest the second goes. Am I clear?” I ordered as his stance changed his eyes going red as his wolf came out.

“You need not to worry. I'm on it” Noah answered going out as I saw roni's sleeping figure.

“Sébastien” I started.

“Yes alpha?” He replied with his beta voice full of power amd seriousness.

“First take Roni to her room, then go to your duties. You're in charge of the mated ones like usual.

If anyone has a issue or a valid reason of not participating then you know well what to do. If someone's a new father or their mates pregnant order them to stay back” I ordered once again as he nodded.

“Don't worry I'll handle it. You focus on finding Luna” He answered as I gave him a nod.

He picked up Roni going up, still no words from Em.

“Cameron can you prepare for mom's funeral?” I asked my heart breaking even thinking about it.

I miss her so much. We are orphans now. I didn't answer her then but I love you to mom so fucking much.

“I will, until then take care of things here with Mason” He added going out of the living room.

Footsteps echoed as Em ran inside showing me a necklace.

“I, don't think it's the time to show you're jewelry off” Mason said earning a push from Em.

“Shut the hell up! This necklace is connected to a ring, the ring has a tracker in it. Harley left it in her drawer. We-we used this once for my safety and made a deal to use it when one of us is in danger” She rambled as I hugged her catching her off guard.

“Thanks you so fucking much” I whispered gratefully as tears threatened to spill but I kept in on bay.

I promised I'm not gonna be weak right now.

“Let's get my cupcake back” I said as my eyes turned black once again thinking about the ways to torture those fuckers.

“And to kill those assholes” Mason chided taking the necklace from my hand workings on it.

“I'll be with Roni, tell me if you need anything” En spoke tears once again brimming her eyes.

“Please take care of my baby sis” I pleaded as she nodded.

I hate seeing Roni like this.

“do you have any computer experts in your pack?” Mason asked as I nodded.

Fuck yes we do. We aren't midnight pack without a reason.

“Austin report me here at the beach house in five minutes” I mind linked Austin one of my friends and a computer genius.

“I'll be there soon” He replied as I sat down.

Now wait.

I just hope your safe cupcake. Be strong for me. I need you.
Thank you guys for staying with me till now, I would love to see what you think of my story!

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Oh yeah... 1.9k OMGGGGGGG!! Thank u so much... I am so ecstatic I can't - when I tell you I screamed, I did literally. My sis (If you like kdramas you'll know;) said as soon as you hit 1k I'll scream omo omo loudly that she didn't but I just wanted to tell. I know we all hate author's note but I'm so grateful for all of this! I'll say this the last time please ignore the spelling mistakes and any grammar mistakes too! Thank u so much again. I love writing and I'll write more books, inshallah!

Bye pebbles <3

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