"Guys! stopppp!" Jisoo interupts again.

Jennie rolled her eyes and aggressively released a sigh.

"Enough with the shoutings, tell the rest of your prizes Lisa..." Jisoo said, "Jennie, calm down." She whispered.

"I only got one again." Lisa said.

"What? Are you sure? There's two more left. I made 10 prizes, have you guys searched everything?" Kai asked and started searching every corner where he hid the prizes.. "There's nothing here.. I'm really sure that I made ten."

"Whatttt.... Check your pockets guys, maybe you just put it there." Jisoo said.

"Nothing..." Lisa said.

"Same... let it be guys, maybe it's gone.." Jennie said.

"Alright! Let's enjoy the prizes then..." Kai said happily.

"Let's move on, Jennie... your turn now" Jisoo said.

"Okay okayyy.. go ahead. shoooo shoo!" Jennie said shooing the three inside the bedroom.

Lisa, Kai and Jisoo went inside.

After a while, Jennie shouted, "Okay guys, here's the twist... I only made 9 prizes, so the three of you can get 3 prizes... I shuffled the papers together and I randomly separated 3 pieces each... and hid them together somewhere... So if you already found that 3 papers in one spot, you are no longer going to look for more since I've already put three pieces together in one place... this is not bias since I shuffled the papers." Jennie explained.

"You're so lazy!!" Jisoo shouted.

"Welllll!!! I'm saving up time! So Lisa, just do the same later!!" Jennie shouted again.

"Pfffttt..." Lisa laughed, "Alright!" she shouted.

"Okayyyy, I'll count now.... Oneee!! Twooooo!! THREEE!!"

The door slammed open again, the three are so excited to know the prizes.

"Nice! I already got mine!" Jisoo shouted.

"Me too!! Ezzyyy Pizzyyy!" Kai said.

"Same here..." Lisa said while waving her papers.

"That's quick... okay, announce yours first Jisoo, then Kai, then Lisa." Jennie said.

"Okayyy, I got.... wooow woowww wooow Jennie.... free 10 minutes massage from you!? TEN FRICKIN MINUTES?!" Jisoo shouted, "ARGH!"

Everyone laughs...

"Yesss... why? That's a luxury massage...." Jennie said confidently.

"We were so excited to go out and find the prizes, and this is what you are giving us.... grrrr!!" Jisoo said angrily but still laughing.

"Just continue!" Jennie said while laughing.

"An exclusive concert of you!? Uhhhh! Jennieeee, you got to be kidding meeeeee!" Jisoo said again.

"HAHAHAHAH!" Everyone laughed.

"Lastttt, a free share from your prizes?! Jennie.... tell me the truth, are you broke?!" Jisoo said while laughing.

"At leasttt! I'm generous, sharing is caring!" Jennie said while laughing... "Let's move on with Kai."

Kai kept on laughing while opening his prizes, "It's a free fresh basket of mandarins from their backyard...."

"Pffftt...." Lisa couldn't hold her laugh.

Jennie looked at her, "Yahh! Our mandarins are sweet!"

Lisa just nodded and tried herself to stop.

"Next is... newly cooked pancakes made by their maids..." Kai said while laughing... "This should atleast be made by you...." he kept on laughing.

"Whyyyy, our maids are great at making pancakes... they kept on making pancakes with Chanel designs on it for me. hahahaha!" Jennie laughs, "go on and tell the last one."

"A free fan sign?" Kai laughed harder.

"Yes, I'm a celebrity." Jennie said confidently.

Everyone laughs...

"Well well, it's fine... we enjoyed your prizes Jennie... you made us laugh so hard." Kai said, "Tell yours now bro..."

"Okayyy.... here's minee, a free ride from her car..... aishhh Jennie, as if we don't have our own cars. haha!" She thought.

"Stoppp laughing guys.... let her finish first!" Jennie said while laughing, "I know it's all nonsense... I really couldn't think of anything..." she kept laughing.

"You're actually thoughtful Jennie, you made every prizes unforgettable... we will surely remember this...." Lisa thought to herself and shooks her head off, "Next is.... free head massage from her for only ten minutes again.... and last, free haircut from their salon... well, this one's the best..." Lisa smiled and she looked up at Jennie which Jennie made her smiled too.

Jennie clapped her hands to cut the silence, "Alright!! Nice! enjoy my prizes!" She laughed again.

"Arghh! Jennieeee!!" Jisoo said which Kai and Lisa started complaining too.

"Alright alrighttt... guys calm down and listen to me first!!" Jennie said and everyone stopped talking, "I feel a bit bad, but I have a grand prize for all of you..."

"Oooooooo!" The three got interested to know the grand prize.

"Once you gain my parent's trust... Kai and Lisa... I'll ask them if it's okay for us to have a vacation to my vacation house at Jeju island" Jennie said while smiling.

"Woaaahhh! Yayyy Yayy!!" Everyone said excitedly.

"We will surely gain their trust!" Kai said excitedly.

"Definitely!" Lisa said.

"Make that sureeeee!! This will be unforgettable!!" Jisoo said happily.

CHANGES - Jenlisa [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now