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"Khadijah", Mr. Usman called to his wife with a smile, as she stood up from the bed.

He had let her be the day before. By the time he entered the bedroom to sleep, his wife was already asleep.

"Ina son ki (I love you)", He told her after seeing the frown on her face. He knew that was the way to her heart. Confessing his love for her.

It wasn't a big deal to him. Because he truly loved her. Even after 23 years of their marriage.

"Ni ma (Me too)", she replied back and finally smiled.

"You've been acting all strange since yesterday. What is bothering you, my love?" He questioned.

"Nothing", she muttered, sitting back on the bed and looking sideways.

"Nothing? Are you sure?" He asked pulling her next to him.


"Tell me what it is dear. Is it about Ayoo?" He asked stressing on the "yoo."

"I don't really know", she answered with a confused tone.

Mr. Usman sighed and was about to say something when Mrs. Usman said. "I just want the best for my daughter."

"You feel Ayo isn't good for her?" He demanded and she nodded.

Mr. Usman sighed deeply, again.

"You remember Mr. Bugaje's son?" She asked her husband whose head was bent in thought.

"Adam?" She nodded again.

"He told me he likes Raliat", she added.

"How come you never told me this?" He queried her.

"I never knew things would turn out this way."

"I don't think Adam is in Nigeria at the moment", he commented.

"Yes, he told me before he left for Canada for his Master's Degree", she uttered.

"So what do you suggest?"

"I like Ayo but I don't want him for my daughter."

"Hmm", Her husband mumbled.

"Raliat is happy and madly in love with him. He reminds me of you when you were still young. But something about him scares me." She explained.

"What?" He inquired.

"He looks too innocent", she uttered, looking away. "Way too innocent. Such kinds of people are too good to be real. I also feel he is a mummy's boy and his eyes are harboring some secrets which he doesn't want to share with anyone. He is not independent..... He relies so much on other people."

She gulped and continued, "He is intelligent and calm but he is not transparent. He is living in a world of fear, doubt, and disturbance. Peace of mind is far away from him and he is not ambitious. What then can that kind of man offer our daughter?"

Her husband's mouth was agape in surprise. "Khadijah, you've analyzed the poor boy's life. Because he is currently unemployed doesn't mean he is less ambitious. When did you become this way?"

"You analyze him as if you created him. You do not know what the future holds for him. Why are you being so judgmental?"

"Husby......" She called her husband.

"Is that the reason why you embarrassed yourself by crying in his presence?"

She was quiet.

"Imagine, you couldn't even hide your distaste for the poor boy. Anyways, I already offered him a job and I hope he accepts it. That is the least I can do to support my daughter. I know that if he is comfortable, he doesn't need to rely on his parents and he will take care of our daughter."

"Mai gida (My husband), try and understand me. I am not being judgemental. I am a mother and my daughter is what we are talking about here. I want the best for Raliat just like you want to."

"Then, what is the problem? Why can't you support your daughter just this once? If things turn out bad between them, you and I are here to make sure our daughter is fine and happy. Why are you bothering yourself too much over nothing? You even refused to bade your daughter goodbye. What is the meaning of all these?"

She was quiet as he gazed at her furiously.

He sighed. "Can you just give me a genuine reason for all these?"

"Instinct", she whispered.

"What?" He questioned with confusion.

"My motherly instinct is at work", she repeated.

Mr. Usman sighed heavily and moved away from her. She stood up and went next to him.

"I'm not saying I won't support them. I'm just telling you what I think and observe."

"Khadijah", he called softly, trying to calm his boiling rage. "Raliat needs us now more than ever."

"Yes, I know but I want to make sure that she makes the right decision."

"Have you been praying over this issue?" He asked, looking up at her.

"No, I haven't."

"You haven't? And you expect me to support you and go against my daughter." He thundered.

Mrs. Usman was disappointed.

"Usman", she called angrily. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting my daughter to marry someone like her father."

"But you said it already that he reminds you of me."

"You two aren't alike. I don't want her to ever regret getting married. If she gets married to him, they won't last", she finalized.

He chuckled lightly. "When did you become a seer? Or you've started visiting soothsayers?"

"No, I'm not. This is common sense."

"Oh! So I don't have common sense? Kaka doesn't have common sense too for supporting her? She even gave them her blessings before I did. She is more experienced than you and I, she must have seen something in him that made her gave her blessings."

"That is what you two don't know. We need to look beyond the physical. Ayoade is a very likable person. Just try and understand me, sweetheart. I'veeeee always supported you in everything you do."

"What makes you think Adam is the best person for our daughter then? Do you realize that Raliat will be heartbroken? How do you want her to manage that?"

"Why are you being stubborn? Why can't you reason with me for once? Haba", she uttered with anger

Her husband was tired of arguing and seeing how angry she was, he finally asked. "What do you want me to do then?"

She eyed him coldly. "Never mind. The deed has been done", she uttered and walked out of the bedroom infuriated.


Sorry for the late update.

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