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Thursday 11:00 am

Why is Raliat missing?" The D.P.O asked Detective Bode with a disturbed look. He had been trying to unravel some things concerning the case but it was proving hard to. The more evidence they got, the more complicated it became.

"No idea, sir", Bode admitted.

"Do you think she has a hand in this?" The D.P.O asked again.

This is the exact thing he was trying to figure out. He was beginning to see a twist in the case. A twist that was meant to mislead. He was trying to tread carefully so as not to penalize the innocent. He wanted to be just and fair.

"Probably", Bode responded.

"Why didn't Bimpe inform us about Raliat? Do you think she is hiding something?"

"I really can't say that, sir", Bode said again, calmly.

The D.P.O sighed.

Bode was his right-hand man and they work together on virtually every case. He was dependent on Bode because of his ingenuity in figuring things out. Bode was good at puzzles and that was a quality they needed.

"But I am sure of something", Bode uttered. The D.P.O looked up at him sharply and asked, " What?"

"Salamat is no longer our only suspect. Raliat and Bimpe are included. One of these three ladies is the culprit while the other two have a connection to what happened because they seem to be hiding something."

"Raliat is also a suspect?"


"Let's find her then. Get her pictures and search for her. She needs to be interrogated. Besides, her disappearance is suspicious. Meanwhile, instruct the officers at the University Teaching Hospital to bring Bimpe to the station as soon as possible", the D.P.O commanded.

"Yes sir", Bode stood up and saluted before walking out as fast as he could.


"How did it happen?" Bimpe's uncle, Mr. Mike questioned Bimpe.

"I don't know."

"Oh, God! I'm sure my sister is in very bad shape now", he muttered.

"I'm sorry for the loss, sir", Banji said to Mr. Mike.

"Thank you", Mr. Mike answered.

"I need to get going", Banji said to Bimpe as she smiled at him. He moved closer to her bedside and whispered. "No matter what happens, remember I am here for you."

"Thank you", she smiled and he smiled back.

He made sure to always visit her every day after class. He had visited her that morning to spend the whole day with her. When her uncle arrived, he began to feel uncomfortable around them.

"Goodbye sir, goodbye ma", he said to Bimpe's aunt and uncle and smiled at Ibukun who glared at him.

"Take care and thank you once again", Mr. Mike waved at Banji as he left the room.

"I still can't believe this", her aunt announced.

"Mum was persuading him to come home but he wouldn't listen. If only he had listened to her, this would not have happened", Bimpe stated.

"God knows best", her uncle said. "May He find eternal peace."

"Amen", they all chorused including the policemen and their daughter Ibukun, known as I.B.K.

"Bimpe", I.B.K called. Bimpe raised her head. "Why do you hate Salamat so much?"

Bimpe gasped and furrowed her brows in confusion. "How? What do you mean by that?"

"You were looking for all means to tarnish that girl's image in your first year, remember? You even told me about her rape. I just want to know why you hate her so much."

"Ibu....", Bimpe was cut short by her uncle.


"Daddy, let me say my mind. This girl is not trustworthy. All the tears she has been shedding are fake. She hates that girl. She doesn't like anyone but herself."

"Stop it", Bimpe screamed.

"I'm not done talking", Ibukun retorted, turning to face her.

"Daddy, do you remember the fight that happened between you and mum before Bimpe moved out? She was behind it. That was why mum supported her when she was bent on securing an accommodation off-campus."

"Ibukun, why do you dislike me so much. That was all in the past", Bimpe cried, hitting Ibukun softly.

"Get your hands off me. Indeed, it is but your hatred for Salamat keeps growing."

"Ibukun, she is your cousin for Christ's sake?" Mr. Mike forewarned.

"That won't stop me from saying the truth. This girl is a devil", Bimpe declared as her father stood up and slapped her. Ibukun held her cheeks and glared at the crying Bimpe.

"The poor girl is still in grief and you still want to make her cry? What sort of a sister are you?"

Ibukun moved towards the exit but her father's voice stopped her. "Where are you going to?"

"To the toilet", she answered without looking back.

"Be back ASAP", he said.

Ibukun walked away. Just then, one of the police officer's phone rang and he cursed under his breath.

'This call will disrupt my recording', he thought to himself as he stared at the phone.

"Hello, sir", he said into the phone with all formality.

He nodded at the other officer as he responded into the phone.

"Yes sir", he said before ending the call.

"We were asked to bring Bimpe to the station" The officer announced.

"Station?" What for?"

"For further investigation", the policeman replied, helping the quiet Bimpe up.

"Ok. Can you wait so we can go together? I need to wait for my daughter."

"That won't be possible, sir. The police van is already awaiting us outside."

"Alright. I'll join you shortly. Which of the police station?" Mr. Mike asked.

"Samaru Kataf police station". He responded as they ventured outside with Bimpe.

Mr. Micheal's phone rang and he picked the call. "Hello."

"Micheal, it's me your sister. My husband and I are in your house."

"Sister mi (My sister), I'll be right there."

"Ok", she said and disconnected the call.

He turned to his wife when he saw Ibukun entering the ward. He waited till she was closer and said. "Ibukun, you need to caution yourself and behave well. I don't want any trouble. Bimpe's parents are now in Zaria, so mind yourself.

"Ok, sir", she answered, softly.

He stood up and said, "Let's get going."


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