Chapter 24: "Mine"

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I was drifting in and out of sleep when I heard two male voices speaking softly. After a minute I heard footsteps walking towards me.

I wanted to move away but I knew if he knew I was awake then I would be in real trouble so I kept my breathing even and my heartbeat as steady as I could.

The footsteps stopped and I listened.

A deep inhale and a low moan came out of his mouth. I struggled not to shake in arousal from his moan.

Suddenly soft fingertips gently touched my arm and electricity shot through my veins. I only felt like this with one other person and that was Andrew.

He ran his fingertips down my arm and I didn't realize I was breathing heavily and moaning until I heard his chuckle and a low sexy growl saying; "Mine."

I shivered. Then I heard the door swing open and Ralf says, "here's the antidotes and medkit you requested sir."

The strange man growled. "Bring me a table and chair."

Ralf shuffled out to retrieve the table and chairs and we were alone again.

The bed dipped behind me and I felt him brush the hair on my neck aside his fingers brushing against my skin making me moan with pleasure.

"Open your eyes kitten." He said in a soft low growl, demanding.

I whined in protest and snuggled back into him bringing my knees up to my chest and getting comfortable against him.

Fingers brushed my cheek and he tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear.

"Kitten, if you don't do what I said then I'll have to punish you."

Turning over I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head in his lap.

I could hear him struggling for air and struggling against himself and I secretly smirked. Until I felt his little man rise up and I froze in shock.

He chuckled and rolled so that he was on top of me and I was below him, gripping my wrists gently against the bed.

My eyes were wide open now and I stared into his blue-green eyes in shock. They lured me in and soon I was drowning in the pools of his blue-green orbs.

Both our breathing was heavy and he smiled at me.

"Now that's more like it kitten." He murmured against my jaw and I shivered.

"Such beautiful eyes. I could stare at them all day if I could."

I stared up at him and pressed my thighs together feeling warm liquid spill out. He grinned and held my wrists above my head moving down my body until he gently nudged both my legs aside and pulled my underwear down to see that I was aroused.

He stuck a finger in and my back arched my mouth opened wide and I was gasping. Wiggling my hips for more. He gently pumped his finger in and out of me making me moan continuously. Then he stuck in a second finger and I hit my climax.

Moaning loudly I released all over his hand and I looked down to see him licking his fingers and smiling.

"Good kitten. Very good." He then leaned down and licked my wet pussy clean making electricity fly through me. I'd never felt anything so amazing in my entire life before.

I closed my eyes when I felt him pulling up my panties and leggings and got up. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, my arms were left in the same position and I didn't dare move them. I didn't want to. He was looking down smiling at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh, all the things I could do to you right now." I shivered in excitement at the meaning of his words.

The door swung open right at that moment and I looked to see Ralf carrying in a table and chair.

I looked at his face and hate ran through me but what overwhelmed me the most was the fear that ran through me.

Tears started running down my face and I closed my eyes whimpering.

I could feel the anger starting to flow through this man's veins and I heard him turn to Ralf.

"What did you do to her?" He demanded angrily.

I heard the thumps of two large objects dropping to the floor and a body slammed against the wall.

"Why would you even care?" Ralf said snickering.

I started sobbing uncontrollably and I felt footsteps rush towards me.

"Open your eyes kitten." I heard him say then hands framed my face tilting my head upwards. I slowly opened my eyes and they immediately went to Ralf against the wall rubbing his throat and staring at me with hate.

More tears ran down my face and the man moved in front of Ralf blocking him from my view.

"Look at me kitten not at him."

More tears slipped down my face but I nodded and looked into his eyes. They were soothing and I slowly started to calm down. Once I stopped sobbing and began to breathe normally again if not a little ragged I felt sleep pull at me.

I was trying so hard to keep my eyes open but they felt so heavy like iron weights were on top of them. They kept falling closed until I couldn't open them anymore and my breathing evened out.

"Sleep kitten." He ordered and soon I fell away into dreamland.

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