Chapter 20: Second Attempt

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I stared through the trees as they started their exercise. Watching as Sara worked up a sweat and pleased as her breasts bounced. After half an hour of watching them, they stopped and I groaned. I was enjoying the show. 

I watched as Andrew backed Sara up into a tree then proceeded to put his face in her neck. I couldn't see exactly what he was doing but soon he left her and went into the house. 

I started my climb down the tree and sneaked my way closer to her. 



I was left leaning against the tree weak-kneed watching as the muscles on his back and legs flexed while he walked back to the house.

I slid down the tree barely breathing and touched my neck where he teased me. A faint smile on my lips.

After a while of just sitting there daydreaming and catching my breath, I got back up and started walking to the house again.

Suddenly a skinny arm wrapped around my waist like an iron bar and a sweaty palm covered my mouth before I could scream. I dug my nails into his arms terrified, whimpering. 

He pulled me to his chest, and I felt his breath on the back of my neck making my hairs rise.

"Don't move." He whispered barely in my ear and I felt a cold bite in my side.

Looking down with only my eyes I saw a blade pressed against my sweaty skin and I trembled.

When he started walking me backward into the woods I started kicking and scratching at his arms. I suddenly got an idea and I elbowed him in his ribs. I heard him grunt but he didn't slow down. I started screaming through his hand and tried biting him. I felt him hit the base of his knife against my head and I became limp.

I watched silently in a daze as he dragged me off to his truck in the woods on a dirt road near a creek.

He laid me on my stomach and took some rope out of the car. I closed my eyes as I felt the rope biting into my wrists while he tied the knot so tight my arms started to tingle from loss of circulation.

He lastly tied my legs then turned me on my back so I saw a figure looming above me.

When my eyes adjusted I recognized Ralf immediately and I growled.

I kicked out at him but he dodged my bound legs easily and picked me up kicking and screaming at him he threw me in the back of his truck. Banging my head in the process of being thrown in I was immediately out.


Word Count: 458

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