Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

"Derek" Meredith giggled

"What?" He asked with a smirk

"I can feel you rubbing my legs and it feels weird but good" She told him as they were both laying down in the bed "I should get up and prepare. I have to assist Bailey" She smiled

"Doctor Grey" Derek announced

"Feels good to be partly back. I finally can stabilize myself with the brace and assist Bailey" She told him with a huge smile on her face

"You'll do so good! I'm gonna try to watch a bit from the gallery" Derek said as he sat up, followed by Meredith who winced a bit as she transferred

"Still sore?" Derek asked

"Yeah, but I'm not gonna complain. This is better than feeling nothing at all" She laughed and wheeled into the bathroom

"I'll go get Zola and I'll get some Tylenol that you can take during breakfast."


"Derek! Where's my brace?" She yelled

"I already put it in the car" He replied as he ran down the stairs kissing Meredith's lips and Zola's forehead "Is everybody ready?" He asked them

"Yaaaa!" Zola yelled and Meredith had to chuckle

"Come on, baby. Let's get in the car" Meredith said as she rolled herself out of the house and to their car. Derek followed them and helped Zola get buckled in "Ready?" He asked Meredith once he got in the car himself

"So ready" She replied

The drive to the hospital was calm. They held hands and had a small chat about how amazing this would be for Meredith

"Shit, I'm gonna be late for rounds" Meredith said as she checked her watch.

"I'll get your chair so you can head in. I'll bring Zola to daycare and I'll bring over your brace! Derek said and got her chair out "Go" He said and kissed her lips when she transferred

"See you later! Bye bye ZoZo! Mommy loves you" She waved before wheeling herself inside as fast as possible

"Look at your amazing mommy" Derek said as he pointed at Meredith

"Maaaaa!" She yelled and waved

"Let's go to daycare! Maybe later today we can go see mommy being a rockstar" Derek said as he carried her inside of the hospital

"Mammaaaa" She kept yelling


"10 blade" Bailey said and Meredith handed her the scalpel "Nice to have you back Grey"

"It feels good to be back" Meredith's smile was visible underneath the mask

"You steadied yourself enough?" Bailey asked

"I'm steady for now. I'll tell you when I need a break" Meredith told her and focussed again.

Halfway through the procedure, Bailey handed Meredith the lead "Doctor Grey, do you wanna stop the bleeding in the liver?"

Meredith smiled and Bokhee handed her the tools she needed

Meredith was focussed and seemed to be fixing the problem in no time.

"Do you feel strong enough to close?" Bailey asked her

Meredith nodded and started to finish up the procedure

"You're back Meredith" Bailey smiled

"Thanks" Meredith sighed, absolutely exhausted after the whole procedure

"Bring the patient to the ICU and keep monitoring please" Bailey demanded as she offered Meredith some help "Look up to the gallery" Bailey told her.

Meredith grabbed Bailey's arm and looked up and saw her husband and daughter sitting in the gallery, both of them waving. Meredith's smile was impossible to hide and waved back

Meredith got into the scrub room with a bit help of Bailey and met with Derek who helped her scrubbing out and getting out of the brace again

"Mama, dada!" Zola kept repeating while she was sitting in Meredith's lap

Meredith kissed Zola's head and breathed in the shampoo she used a couple of days before to wash Zola's hair

"When does your shift end?" Meredith asked Derek

"In a few hours. Do you wanna go home?"

Meredith nodded "Maybe I can go nap in an on-call room with Zola. She's supposed to nap anyway"

"You can nap in my office if you want to" Derek told her

"Might be better for Zo. We still have her travel bed there and I can lay down a bit on your couch"

"once I'm off I'll come get you so we can go relax at home" Derek smiled

"Sounds good, come on ZoZo. You and I will go take a nap" Meredith said and rolled away with Zola on her lap


"Mer, Mer" Derek gently tried to shake her awake

"HmmN" She groaned as she shifted her body "Fuck" She groaned and winced

"Sore?" He asked her as his hands moved to her legs

"Hmm" She agreed and enjoyed Derek's hand gently massaging her thighs.

"Daaadaaa" Zola started to wake up

"Hey, look who's awake" Derek smiled and quickly got up and got her out of the small crib

"Let's join mama on the couch but be gentle, okay?"

Zola nodded and cuddled against Meredith who protectively wrapped her arms around the little girl as Derek kept massaging her legs

"I think someone needs a diaper change" Meredith laughed when she smelled poop

"I got her" Derek said and handed Meredith her meds "Take these while I change this young lady" He smiled

Meredith took in her meds with the bottle of water that was standing on the coffee table in front of the couch. She slowly transferred herself in her chair and collected their bags.

"Need a hand?" Derek asked

"No, I'll put them on my lap, will you take Zozo?" She asked

"Of course" Derek smiled and the family made their way outside of the office and outside of the hospital to their car

"I'm so proud of you" Derek said as he grabbed Meredith's hand

"I love you" She told him and squeezed his hand

"I love you too" He replied and kissed her hand

"We have no plans tonight" She smirked

"We don't and we really have to celebrate your comeback" He smiled

Hey guys! We hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your doing well. As always, go follow _Ktje_ thanks for reading!

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