Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Alex got up after what felt like a few seconds. The ambulance was laying on his side and the baby was crying in the plastic box. He hurried himself to grab the baby and check her out. "Mer?" He yelled while stumbling to the baby and carefully taking her out of the plastic box before doing a small exam.

"Mer? Meredith!" Alex yelled again when he noticed she was laying down. The wound on her forehead was bleeding a little but at first sight it looked like she didn't need stitches.

"Hey, baby, shht" He whispered trying to calm the baby down before he bent down to check on Meredith. She was unconscious.

Alex could hear the noise of sirens coming closer before the doors of their ambulance opened

"What do we got" One of the paramedics yelled

"Newborn baby girl was on her way to Seattle Grace before we crashed. Second car hit us, that's when the damage was done. Baby looks good but my colleague is still unconscious. Possible head or spine trauma."

"What about you sir?" The other paramedic asked

"I'm.. I'm fine, just nauseous and possibly a concussion" Alex replied before giving the baby to the paramedic and checking on Meredith.

"We've got a pulse, breathing looks okay" The paramedic yelled

"Mer? Mer!" Alex yelled again and this was when Meredith opened her eyes and almost started screaming in pain

"Mer, what's wrong? What hurts?"

"My.. OOH.. My back, Alex!" She cried.

"Stay still Mer, we're gonna bring you to Seattle Grace right now." Alex said before squeezing her hand. They helped her onto the gourney and Alex was now crying when seeing Meredith in so much pain. He couldn't see one of his best friends in this amount of pain. As they all got into the ambulance she screamed and cried out in agony with every turn and every bump in the road. This was alarming for Alex, he knew she could handle a lot of pain, he now was very worried about her. He decided to call the hospital to let them know they were on their way and Meredith needed the best team of doctors.



"Meredith Grey got hurt during the crash, she's complaining about her back. She's screaming and crying in pain.. I.. I'm scared there's a spinal cord injury. She'll need neuro and ortho and page plastics, she has a cut on her forehead."

"Karev, we'll make sure everyone is stand-by before she comes in. How about you?"

"I.. Concussion I think"

"When you get in, I want you to get a head CT. I'll page neuro"

"Thanks chief"

Meanwhile everyone got paged 911 to the ambulance bay except Derek, he got paged to the chief's office



"Meredith called you right after the crash, right?" Richard asked

"Yeah, why? They should be back any minute. Look, Richard. I just wanna go check on my wife" Derek said dismissively before walking out but Richard was following him

"Derek, we need to talk" Richard said. Derek could hear the scared tone in Richard's voice and got concerned as thousands of thoughts were running through Derek's head.

"After she hung up the phone, the ambulance got hit a second time. Meredith got injured, she's on her way-" Richard couldn't finish before Derek ran towards the ambulance bay

"Are they here yet?!" Derek screamed before seeing Mark, Amelia, Callie, Nelson, Bailey and Arizona waiting for the ambulance who just stopped in front of them

"Meredith Grey, complains about pain in her back" The paramedic almost screamed because of Meredith's cries. Derek felt himself frozen to the ground. Seeing his wife in this amount of pain was something he had never seen before. He saved her after she drowned and she had held her hand in a human being's body while there was a bomb in there too but this.. this wasn't the Meredith Grey he knew so he knew something wasn't okay. So did the other doctors who rushed her inside to get her up for scans.

"Derek you shouldn't be here" Mark said

"Mer? Mer! You're gonna be okay, I'll take care of you, okay?"

"Derek? Stay.. Stay.. Please" She cried, breathing very loud and unclear

"Of course, Mer. I won't leave your side" Derek whispered before kissing her forehead as they loaded her into CT.

Everything went by so fast the only thing Derek could hear was "We need to bring her to an OR, now!" As they ran in and took Meredith to an OR. Bailey allowed Derek to be in the room until they gassed her to sleep. Richard was in the OR too, waiting to talk to Derek about Meredith's condition.

"Mer, I'm gonna be here when you'll wake up" He squeezed her hand and kissed her forehead as she fell asleep.

"Derek, we need to talk" Richard said

The two of them walked out of the OR as Richard started talking

"Derek.. It looks like her spine got damaged. Amelia will now go in to relieve the pressure and once she's awake we'll be able to see how much damage has been done."


"Mer? Hey, you're awake" Derek said as he kissed her forehead

"Derek?" She whispered, her throat still dry from the intubation

"Shht Mer, Amy needs to examine you first"

"Derek.. I.. I can't feel my legs" Meredith said before bursting out in tears

"Mer, you're just out of surgery you need to stay still." Derek said before she tried to get up and started to freak out.

"Someone, sedate her, now!" Bailey yelled

Richard ran back to Meredith before sedating her and she soon fell back asleep

"She couldn't feel her legs" Derek said starting at the ground

"Derek, everything is still swollen, we'll need to wait" Amelia said before placing her hand on his shoulder

Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them! Hope you all are doing well.

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