Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Mer? Can we come in?" Alex and Cristina asked

"Yeah, of course. Derek is grabbing some lunch"

"How's PT going?" Alex asked

"Kicking asses?" Cristina said

"Not actually kicking" Meredith jokes "The sitting up by myself works out pretty good and Lucy keeps training my legs so they will be strong enough by the time I can work on standing up"

"And.. the adjustment with-" Alex started

"The chair? The hospital ones work out okay-ish.. mine should arrive later today" She told them

"Finally the mindset you need!" Cristina told her

"There's a chance we can get Zola back. I should be released once I can do some things on my own and then they want to give us another chance" Meredith smiled as she told them the news

"You're kidding, right?" Alex started smiling

Meredith shook her head and the 3 of them kept having a huge smile on their faces

"Hey, guys" Derek said as he entered the room

"I was just telling them about Zola" Meredith explained with a huge smile

"Did you tell them they started renovating the house this morning?" Derek asked

"Well, now we know" Cristina rolled her eyes

"Mer, Richard is gonna bring your chair once it has arrived"

"Thanks, Der" She said as his lips made a move to hers

"You better train your arms for when we go shopping together.. now I don't need to carry the bags anymore" Cristina jokes
"I can't carry the bags and push myself" Meredith grinned

"No, I just place them on top of your legs, you won't feel it anyway"

Meredith gave her a sad smile

"Too early?" Cristina asked "I'm.. I'm sorry Mer, I didn't mean it that way"

"I know Cristina, but once I get adjusted to that chair we'll go shopping and.. no way I'm keeping your bags on my lap. I still need to push myself" She tried to give a smile


"Meredith?" She heard a familiar voice as she woke up from a nap after being exhausted because of the heavy pain meds.

"Hmm?" She moaned meanwhile hearing Derek's voice "Ah, Mer, your chair is here"

"Yeah" She rolled her eyes and let out a big sigh

"I'll page Lucy to tell her you can start PT" Richard said

"Thanks Richard"

"How are you holding up, Meredith?" Richard asked

"Not bad.. I want to fight so our baby can come home" She gave him a smile

"The both of you are wonderful parents, you'll prove them"

"Thanks Richard" Derek said as Richard left the room

"So.. This is really happening?" Meredith looked at the wheelchair

"Do you wanna try?" Derek asked

"Hmm.. yes" Meredith whispered

"Do you want to transfer by yourself or do I need to help you?"

"I.. I haven't worked on transfering-"

"Okay, Mer. Don't worry! I'll help you" Derek said as he scooped her up, out of the bed and placed her in her own wheelchair "How does it feel?" He asked rubbing her shoulders

"Okay.." Meredith said as a few tears escaped her eyes

Derek noticed the way her feet bent in. This made him realise all of this was real. His mind didn't let it sink in just yet. His mother would be here in a few days to help them out and there were people doing all kinds of adjustments in their dream house but seeing her in her own chair with her feet bent was real. He was happy she was still alive, he was happy there's a chance they get their daughter back but this would be a hard and rough time. This could take years before she would be able to stand up and walk a little but Derek kept rubbing Meredith's shoulders. She has to do all this work, she's the one who needs a chair and he promised her, he would always be there.

"Ah, Meredith! I'm happy you're already trying out your own chair. You can test it out while we go to the PT room." Lucy said as she came into the room

Lucy left the door open and Meredith wheeled out of her room. Derek walked next to her as Lucy was ahead of them.

"They are watching, Derek" Meredith said, pointing to the nurses staring at her

"Mer, you know they always gossip. Don't worry too much"

As they reached the PT room Lucy asked Meredith to locate her chair next to the couch.
"Meredith, can you try to transfer? I'll help you the first time, I won't let you fall. First of all, lock your brakes and then sit a bit forward in your chair and with the support of your arms, you should be able to transfer"

"I think I can do that" Meredith said as she gave it a try.

"Don't hurry, there's no rush" Lucy said as Meredith was struggling with transferring

Meredith put on the brakes and tried to get her body a bit more out of the chair before getting her feet off the footrest

"Meredith, a little more forward"

"I.. I can't feel my damn ass i don't know how far I'm leaning in this chair" She snapped

"Mer.." Derek sighed

"I.. I'm sorry, Lucy"

"I get it, this is hard. Just try again" Lucy gave her a smile

Meredith leaned a bit more forward and placed one hand on the couch as Lucy helped her. Lucy pulled her out of the chair but just a little so Meredith still had to do the work. Once Meredith was sitting down on the couch she sighed in relief.

"Now you need to go back, but this time I'm not gonna help you." Lucy said as she let her hands go of Meredith.

"I got it" Meredith said as she took a deep breath and tried to get back to her wheelchair but almost fell down as her hand slipped away but she got in. her legs tangled up and she wasn't sitting the way she was supposed to but she got there

"Mer?" Derek asked as he jumped up to help her

"I got this, Derek.. I.. I did it" Meredith smiled

"Good job, Meredith. Now get your feet right and then I want you to do a work out for your arms, 20 min straight and afterwards we have to go back to your room so I can show you and Derek some easy ways to shower, okay?" Lucy asked

Meredith nodded. Her arms were already sore from transferring two times but this felt good. This is the way to becoming independent again.

"Lucy? Could we euhm.. work on.. you know.. we have a daughter and I need to take care of her"

"Of course Meredith. Once you're adjusted and you can transfer and shower by yourself we can work on that. I was already supposed to teach you how to do the basics once you get released so you'll find your way at home.

"Thank you" Meredith smiled

"Well, come on. Let's start this workout' Lucy said before giving Meredith some specific exercises so she could start training her arms.

Hey guys! We hoped you enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing we. As usual, to follow _Ktje_

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