Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Derek woke up with a grin. Today was Merediths birthday. This year had been filled with pain and difficult, but this year would be better.

Derek quietly got out of bed and went downstairs. "Hi mom." Derek whispered as he noticed her with Zola in her arms. "Hi dear. This little girl woke up early this morning." Carolyn replied quietly.

"Oh, sorry mom. I didn't hear her." Derek apologized. "I was up, anyways, it's not a problem. are the plans still on for doing for Merediths birthday today?" The older woman asked.

"Yes. You're good to watch Zo, right?" Derek asked.

Carolyn nodded. "Okay. The plan is to take her on a ferry boat ride first to go to go downtown. She wanted to do go shopping, so we'll do that and then a nice restaurant downtown for a late lunch." Derek explained as he began making breakfast. 

"Sounds good dear. She'll love that." Carolyn said with a smile.

A little while later, The two of them heard Meredith coming down and watched as she rolled into the room. "Good morning." She said softly.

"Good morning. Happy birthday." Derek smiled as he pressed a kiss to her lips. "Thanks." Meredith replied as Zola reached out for her from carolyns arms.

"Happy birthday, dear." Carolyn said with a smile as she put Zola in her lap. "Thank you." Meredith replied. Zola nuzzled into her chest and sighed contendiy. "Hi baby girl." Meredith whispered.

"Moms watching Zo tosay. We have birthday plans." Derek said as he served breakfast in front of her. "Yeah? Like what?" Meredith asked.

"It's a surprise. But dress nice. Not too fancy, like jeans or sometning." He replied. "Okay. When?" She asked. "About an hour and a half."


An hour and half later, Meredith and Derek both left the house and began driving. "Downtown?" Meredith guessed. "Maybe." Derek replied with a smirk.

"I'm so old." Meredith complained. "You aren't old. You're only 38." Derek retorted as he pulled into the ferryboat. "We're riding a ferry boat?" She smiled.

Derek nodded and smiled.

"I want to get out." Meredith announced. "Chair or no chair?" Derek asked. "Can you just hold me?" She asked shyly. "Sure, Meredith." Derek replied softly.

He lifted her out of the car and held her as they overlooked the water. "Thank you." Meredith sighed into his warmth. "It's my pleasure, Mer." He replied.

A little while later, they arrived and drove off of the boat. "Where first?" She asked. "You said you wanted to go shopping, right?" Derek questioned. "Yes." Meredith smiled.

Meredith and Derek parked and got out. He pushed her as they went from store to store. "Do you like this?" Meredith asked. "That's cute. Get it." Derek replied.


Meredith and Derek dropped off a few bags of clothes in the car before going to the restaurant. "Can we have your finest bottle of wine olease?" Derek asked politely.

The waitress nodded and left. "This is really nice, Derek. Thank you." Meredith said softly as she bit into a piece of bread.

"Of course, Mer. You deserve it. You've had a hard year, harder than most have. This year is going to be much better, I know it." He said, grabbing her hand. M

"Let's hope so." She breathed. "I know so. I think you'll be standing soon. Maybe even walking too." Derek said. "That's the plan. It's going well I think." Meredith said with a sigh.

"You're doing great."


After a few hours, the two of them finished their lunch and returned home. Carolyn took Zola out for the day. "Hey Derek?" Meredith asked as they got into the house. "Yeah?"

"You realize we're in the house alone, and all we're doing is talking?" She asked with a smirk. Derek took that as his cue and kissed her deeply before picking her up and carrying her upstairs. "Let's do something about that." He grumbled against her lips.

The two collapsed back into bed and panted happily. "That...was great." Meredith panted as she cuddled into dereks arms.

"Yes it was. We should...that was amazing." Derek mumbled. "Derek? Can I ask you a question?" Meredith asked. "Sure, Mer. Go ahead." He replied as he rubbed her back gently.

"If I want more kids, right?" She asked. "I...yeah. We talked about this, didn't we?" Derek questioned. Meredith nodded.

"We did but now that we know for sure I'll be standing and's more realistic." Meredith explained. "Well, if you can...with your back and..."

"Hostile uterus?" Meredith asked with a smirk. "Well, yeah. If it's possible, I would love to have a baby with you of course. And if not, we can adopt more." Derek replied.

"I never thought I'd be here, you know." She admitted.

"What do you mean?" Derek asked. "Be here. With my husband. And my daughter. And laying in bed talking about more kids. It's judt...I grew up with my mom telling me love was stupid." Meredith explained softly. 

"Oh, Mer. I'm so happy we're here together." Derek whispered. "Me too. I thought I'd be lonely my whole life and just focus on being a good surgeon like my mom. But I'm glad I'm not her."

"I'm glad you aren't either. No offense." Derek said quickly. Meredith giggled into his chest and grabbed his hand. "None taken. She was a bitch." Meredith blurted.

Derek laughed and kissed her hair. "We'll have more babies. Some way, some how, it'll happen. Zola will have a sibling at some point." He whispered.

"She will. Growing up as a single child sucks." Meredith said, yawning slightly.

"I can't imagine. Go to sleep. I love you. I hope you had a great day." Derek said quietly. "I love you. Thank you for today." She mumbled.

"Anything for you."

Hey guys! We hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your doing well. As always, go follow _Ktje_ thanks for reading!

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