Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Meredith and Derek woke up in each other's arms happily. They didn't like sleeping without each other at all.

"I missed you." Derek murmured as he held his wife. "I missed you too." She replied. "How was the hotel? Was it hard?" He asked. "Not really. It was a little hard to shower but I managed." Meredith answered as Zola started to cry.

"I'll get her." Derek said. "No, I will. I haven't seen my baby girl in a few days." Meredith replied, grunting as the transferred to her chair.

Meredith wheeled into Zola's room and smiled when she saw her holding herself up in the crib. "Ma!" Zola exclaimed, reaching her arms out. Meredith managed to pick Zola out of the crib and put her on her lap.

"Mama missed you so much, zo." She whispered as Zola nuzzled into her arms and rested her head on her mother's chest. "Ma." Zola mumbled. "I got you. Want to go see daddy?" She asked. Zola nodded.

"Hold on to mommy, okay?" Meredith said quietly. Zola's Tiny hands wrapped around merediths stomach and she began slowly rolling herself and Zo back to her room.

Meredith pushed their door open and Derek smiled when he saw his girls. "Hi guys." He said softly as meredith lifted Zola into their bed and transferred herself back into the bed.

Meredith used her upper body strength and moved closer to Derek, who was playing with Zola on his chest. "Maaaa!" Zola squealed.

She crawled over onto Merediths chest and laid down. "Hi baby." Meredith whispered. Zola giggled and grabbed a fistful of Merediths shirt.

"She's like her mommy. She doesn't like mornings." Derek said with a chuckle. Meredith laughed and rubbed Zola's back, all while resting her head in the crook of dereks shoulder.

Mornings like these were mornings ehat both Meredith and Derek cherished. Laying in their warm, cozy bed together, with their daughter cuddled close with them. It was perfect.


A little while later, Meredith and Derek got out of bed and went downstairs. Derek and Meredith sat down with a cup of coffee on the couch while Zola played on the ground.

"So how were the boards? Like, what questions did they ask? And tell me about the asshole interviewer." Derek asked.

"Well, it was Dr Castillo. And they were good, overall. I got stuck on a question or two but I did that method you told me, to rephrase it or whatever and I worked it out." Meredith started.

"What exaclty was he asking?" Derek asked protectively. Nobody messed with his wife, especially about her chair.

"Just stuff like asking me how I would be a surgeon if I could stand, couldn't walk. And then asking me questions about you and writing stuff down." Meredith replied.

"Dumbass." Derek muttered. "I worked with him on a case in New York. He damn near killed our patient but got credited with the save. I was only a 3rd year resident at the time, but still I saved the guy." He said.

"It's okay Der. I passed so it's okay." Meredith said, putting a hand on his thigh. Derek smiled. "Hear that Zo? Your mama is a board certified surgeon? Isn't that awesome?" He cooed, swooping Zola into his arms.

Meredith giggled and booped Zola's nose, causing her to laugh as well. "Mamas the coolest, isnt she?" Derek asked in a baby voice he only used on Zo. "Ya!" Zola exclaimed.

"How is your back?" Derek asked. "Still sore from the plane. Not unbearable though." Meredith replied. "Did you take your meds?"

"I did."

"It shouldn't be hurting then." Derek responded with a frown. "It's fine Derek. Who knows, maybe that means I'm getting my feeling back." She replied. "Okay." Derek breathed, kissing her softly. "I missed you a lot." He whispered against her lips. "I missed you a lot too."

Meredith suddenly shifted in discomfort as her legs began to spasm. "Damn." She murmured. Derek was quick to start massaging her legs. "Who helped you with the spasms?" He asked.

"Alex did. It really only happened on the plane though, which was embarrassing." She sighed. "Just think of it as your spinal cord trying to heal. It's a good thing, even though it sucks when it happens." Derek said softly, kneading his fingers into her legs.

"Yeah." She mumbled. "You'll get feeling back eventually, and you won't have spasms anymore. I promise." He whispered as her legs stopped. "I know. Just sucks." Meredith replied.

Derek kissed her forehead gently before sitting back down on the couch, Zola in Merediths lap. "Do you go back to PT tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah. Lucy wants me to workout my arms a lot again." She replied. "Has Lucy talked to you about progress at all?" He asked. "No. We should probably do that tomorrow." Meredith answered.

"Okay. When I pick you up?" Derek asked. "That sounds good. I want a timeline. Like, just for something to look forward to. Something to know that all these PT hours are actually paying off." Meredith sighed.

"They are. We'll talk to her tomorrow. Now, ms Zola, so you want to watch a movie with mommy and daddy?" Derek asked. Zola squealed and nodded excitedly. "How about....Frozen?" Meredith asked with a grin.

"Mo!" Zola exclaimed. "You want moana?" Derek asked with a smile. Zola nodded. She may be too young for the movie, but she liked to listen to the songs.

Derek put the movie on and the family of three watched together. After a few days of being apart, it was nice to be all back togetehr, watching movies and cuddling on the couch.

Hey guys! We hope you all enjoyed this chapter and we hope your all doing well. As always, go follow my awesome co writer, _Ktje_

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