I Need To Find Him

Start from the beginning

I stood taken aback.

Mr.L: U-uh...

I felt the note get snatched from my hand and I turned to see that Nastasia took it!

Mr.L: Don't you read that!

I tried to take it back only for her to dodge. She looked it over and her jaw went slack.

Mr.L: Oh boy...

Blumiere: What's wrong Nastasia?

Timpani: Who is it from?!

I shot a glare at Nastasia but she still passed the note to Timpani. Timpani quickly read it and gasped. I buried my face in my hands and let out a groan of annoyance as the letter was then passed to Blumiere. He paled as soon as he finished reading.

Blumiere: Surely this is counterfeit?!

Mr.L: no...

Nastasia: I knew that something felt off!

Mr.L: Look, I don't want to explain everything but-

Timpani: Dimentio came back for you! Didn't he?

Mr.L: Er, yes..?

Timpani let out a squeal of delight and wrapped me in a hug, much to my surprise.

Timpani: Yay! He's alive! He's alive!

Mr.L: Uh... Not exactly...

Timpani let go of me and gave me a look of confusion.

Nastasia: I can explain... You see-

Blumiere: You experimented with DETERMINATION and brought Dimentio back as a Pixl, correct?

Nastasia froze.

Nastasia: H-how did-?!

Blumiere: Timpani and I knew for a while. It was hard to believe the encounter with Dim the Pixl was a dream we both shared.

Nastasia rubbed her hands together nervously.

Nastasia: So, I assume that you're both upset...

Blumiere: Haha! Hardly! You did right, trying to bring them back. You just made the mistake of not coming for help.

Mr.L: But we can't fix it NOW!

Timpani: Yes we can!

I groaned.

Mr.L: Oh, don't be so optimistic, Mrs.Butterflies! He's been turned back into a Pixl! And he ripped out his SOUL! You can't fix that!

Blumiere clicked his tongue in disapproval.

Blumiere: Both can be mended with the same solution.

Mr.L: Really?!

Timpani: You forget that I was a Pixl for some time.

She was right...

Mr.L: B-but Dimentio told me that his SOUL is no longer compatible with his body!

Blumiere: And you also forget, my SOUL was stained black as tar when I had taken up the name Count Bleck, not the brilliant white that it takes on now.

Apparently, we SHOULD'VE gone to them sooner.

Mr.L: I still don't know what solution you're talking about... YOU forget that Dimentio killed me before you two were reunited.

Nastasia: Wait, Dimentio KILLED you?! He said that the heroes- Y'know what, not important right now.

I became perplexed at the statement but ignored it.

Nastasia: We know the solution, and I know what it requires, Mr.L.

I looked at her.

Nastasia: You need to find Dim.

Mr.L: Er, he said to not look for him.

Nastasia: And you're just going to ACCEPT defeat?!

Mr.L: Y'know what... No. The Green Thunder does NOT accept defeat so easily! I'm going to find him and bring him back whether he likes it or not!

Nastasia: Good!

Blumiere: Bring him back here and we can explain the next step after that.

I nodded.

Timpani: But... Where could he be..?

I thought it over for a moment.

Mr.L: I think I know. I'll head there now. L-ater!

I marched off for the exit. Confidence in my stride. I was finally going to get Dimentio back.

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