💙Going Home💙

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This place was somehow even blacker than Flopside!

Wait... is it blacker? More black? Whatever! The point is that it's a lot darker than Flopside despite all odds. I walked up to the big castle gates and gave a big knock.

I waited a few minutes and then finally heard some footsteps echoing in what was sure to be a large hallway.

???: Timpani, what have I told you?! It's YOUR HOUSE, you don't need to knock, 'K?! I mean, you have a key, for Grambi's sake!

What sounded like a woman angrily marched up to the door and flung it open.

She was a normal height, had big reflective glasses, pink hair, and was blue. Or at least was supposed to be blue. She paled to an almost white as soon as she saw me. I think that's a good sign...

???: M-Mr.L? Is it really you?

Mr.L: ...Yes?

She quickly glanced behind her and then grabbed onto my arm.

???: I need to get you inside before Blumiere sees you.

The woman then pulled me inside, slamming the door behind me. We hurried down the hall to wherever she was taking me.

Mr.L: So this is where I can find Blumiere?

???: Uh, yeah. Got amnesia or something, L?

Mr.L: Actually, yes.

She appeared taken aback.

???: O-oh, sorry... I was just kidding...

We reached a room that appeared to be hers and she shut the door, locking it in the process.

Mr.L: Eh, you're fine. But if you could tell me where I could find any of these people, I would appreciate it.

I took out the list and pointed to the three names. Blumiere, Nastasia, and the crossed-out name. She chuckled.

???: Well, I can tell one of them.

Mr.L: Really?

I silently hoped that she knew who the crossed-out name was.

Nastasia: Yeah, Nastasia. That's me.

Mr.L: Oh, great! Could you please... give me your Pure Heart?

Who am I kidding? She won't give it if I just ask! She'll probably want to fight me for some stupid reason that she'll refuse to tell me.

Nastasia: Yeah, sure, gimme a sec, 'K?

Did she just say..?

Nastasia rummaged around a drawer (She kept it in a DESK DRAWER?!) and then pulled out the Sky Blue Pure Heart! She tossed it to me.

Nastasia: Mind telling me what you're doing with all of those Hearts?

Mr.L: I'm trying to get my memories back! The Chaos Heart sapped them up...

Nastasia: Hm... interesting.

Mr.L: Aren't you gonna fight me or something?

Nastasia: Why?

Mr.L: I don't know! That's just what everyone seems to want to do!

Nastasia: If I killed you then Blumiere would be devastated, again! I, after all, tried to bring you two back. Ending your game would be kinda counterproductive.

Mr.L: There you go again! Who is this other person that was with me?! One of you needs to fess up! TELL ME!!!

Nastasia: 'K, where do you want me to start?

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