💚Killing With Kindness💚

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*Luigi blocks the way!

I was faced with the four options again. But I didn't want to fight him! That was like the equivalent of fighting my brother!


I went and selected [🎉ACT]. There were only three options.

*Check                              *Flirt


There was no *Talk?! Do I need to *FLIRT?! Oh, my Grambi this is gonna SUCK... I selected *Check.

*Luigi - ATK 20 DEF 9

*Luigi has a lot of ATK but he doesn't like to use his full strength. A man in green with a SOUL of KINDNESS to match. He is the guardian of the Green Pure Heart.

Luigi: Now you face player two! I can prove that you're a good guy!

My SOUL was dragged into the box. Warp pipes passed underneath me as I kept my SOUL just above them. My SOUL went back to the options.

*Luigi wants to prove himself to his brother.

I went and reluctantly selected... *Flirt...

*You told Luigi that you liked his spaghetti.

Luigi: W-what?! Y-you liked my spaghetti..? I knew that you could be nice!

I once again effortlessly dodged the pipes. I selected *Flirt again.

Luigi: Now, I've been saving this! Prepare for my fabled 'blue attack'!

This time, the pipes were blue. I had my SOUL stay still and I didn't get harmed. All of a sudden, my SOUL turned blue. It dropped to the bottom of the box and a pipe came in and hit me.

HP 17/20

Luigi: You're blue now! THAT is my attack! Now I'll see how you handle it!

*You're blue now.

My now blue SOUL went back to the options. I selected *Flirt again.

*Luigi is too busy FIGHTing to accept your compliment.

Luigi: You need to show me that you're nice enough to get hurt and still want to SPARE!

This time I had to hop over the pipes. My SOUL came back and I went to the *SPARE option.

Luigi: Good! But you still need to survive THESE!

More pipes, more jumping. I selected *SPARE.

Luigi: You better prepare for my SPECIAL ATTACK!

More pipes, even more jumping. I selected *SPARE again.

Luigi: Yeah! My SPECIAL ATTACK! Think that you could survive?

I got hit by one of the pipes this time.

HP 14/20

I chose *SPARE again.

Luigi: Ready?! My SPECIAL ATTACK! And it's coming... any... moment...

I waited for something, anything, to happen. He seemed VERY hesitant to use it. Luigi let out a sigh.

Luigi: I don't want to use my SPECIAL ATTACK... But I can still use a very cool normal attack! Have at you!

My blue-colored SOUL went into the box. Pipes and fireballs were thrown at me from all angles. It took a lot to dodge them all, but I was able to with a stroke of luck. There was one more pipe... and it was HUGE! I had my SOUL go up, up, up, until I vaulted it finally. I landed and one slow-moving pipe swept the bottom of the box. It eventually passed and I was back to my options.

Luigi: I'm so proud of you! You're being nice! All you have to do now is *SPARE.

*Luigi is SPAREing you.

I went over to the [❌MERCY] and used *SPARE. My surroundings became normal and Luigi immediately pulled me into a hug.

Luigi: I knew that I could change you! Right, Mario?

I flinched and realized that Mario was watching the whole thing. Luigi took me by the hand.

Luigi: Here. You need it.

He gave me the Green Pure Heart.

Mr.L: Thank you. I promise that it won't go to waste.

Luigi nodded and, with tears of joy in his eyes, ran back to his house. I waved goodbye to him until I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder. Mario laughed as I flinched once more.

Mr.L: So... Am I now supposed to fight you for your Pure Heart..?

Mario: Nah, I don't do things that way. Especially not on my front lawn. Want to go for a stroll?

Based on the way he was holding my shoulder with a vice grip, I didn't think that I had a choice. I nodded meekly and Mario led me through the woods. It was quiet. It was just turning to nighttime, so I guess that was to be expected. After a while of walking, Mario broke the silence.

Mario: So, you lost all of your memories and you need the Pure Hearts?

I nodded.

Mario: Mm, do you know what color my SOUL is?

Mr.L: Uh... no.

Mario: Red. Red with burning hot DETERMINATION. But do you know what happens when there is more than one SOUL with DETERMINATION?

I shook my head no again. He chuckled.

Mario: Those forces of DETERMINATION fight for dominance. Whoever's will being stronger controls the timeline. Being able to stop and start at any place or time.

He laughed again.

Mario: But don't think I'm gonna tell you how to do that. I would like to stay with my brother for some time... Heh, wanna know something Weegee has been telling me? He says that a PIXL has been saying things to him...

My breath hitched.

Mr.L: P-pixl?

Mario: He says that it's been whispering words of advice, flattery, but never showing themself. Always staying hidden, out of sight. Only thing he can see is one glowing eye. One day Luigi asked the Pixl- 'Why are you doing all this for me?' The Pixl hesitated to answer. But y'know what he said?

Mr.L: ...what?

Mario: The Pixl said- 'I don't know... But you seem to be the closest I can come to remembering...' Ever since you showed up, the Pixl hasn't come back.

We came to an abrupt stop. In front of us was a red and white warp pipe. Mario smacked me on the back rather hard and then gave me what looked like the Red Pure Heart!

Mario: That pipe should take you to Flipside. Timpani gave you the locations of the others. Flipside can lead you to all of them. And hey, try not to dwell on that Pixl too much. I'm sure he's not that important.

Mario said that last part with a wink. Sounds like I SHOULD dwell on it more. Mario turned back to the direction we came.

Mario: But hey, it's always raining somewhere else! Catch you later, Mr.L.

Before I could say anything else, he was gone. I looked back at the pipe and took a deep breath.

I hopped inside.

Super Paper Undertoad (Mr.LXDimentio)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin