💛Over-Priced Pure Heart💛

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I whistled as I made my way back to the in-between of Flipside. Once through there, I can get to Castle Bleck!

I wandered through the stained glass building and BAM! Everything seemed darker on this side. While Flipside was white, Flopside was black.

I walked down the narrow path to the town. After a few moments, I realized that I wasn't moving anywhere. I looked down to see what looked like... spider webs? I tried to move, but I was stuck!

???: Mimimimimimimi! Oh, Mr.L is that you I spy? Long time no see...

I struggled against the webs to no avail.

???: Ever since you betrayed the beloved Count with that clown... And here you come back with the Chaos Heart in tow.

I kept trying to get out. I pulled out one foot only for it to become stuck again.

???: I heard that you got amnesia, huh L~?

I couldn't move!

???: It seems that justice has already been dealt, but I have a job to do. You see, I've been given a sizable 'donation' from an anonymous 'patron'.

I turned to face the owner of the voice. There stood a green-skinned girl with pigtails.

???: Sorry, Mr.L! But it's time to rip that little Heart of yours out!

My SOUL got dragged into battle.

*Mimi traps you!


I naturally went to the [🎉ACT].

*Check                               *Struggle

*Pay 10G

Pay? I spent all of my money! Just gotta hope she doesn't figure that out... I selected *Check.

*Mimi - ATK 10 DEF 12

*Mimi has a SOUL of JUSTICE, though she can be easily persuaded with a few rubees... She is the guardian of the Yellow Pure Heart.

She has the Yellow Pure Heart?! How am I gonna get THAT from her?! I don't have a single coin!

Mimi: Hm... Y'Know, purple would be a much nicer color on you!

She twirled around and my SOUL was turned purple. Whatever that was supposed to mean. My purple SOUL was now on a line. There were three lines. My SOUL went back to the options.

*You're trapped in a strange purple web!

I went to the [🎉ACT] option and selected *Struggle.

*You struggle to escape the web.

*Mimi chuckles and claps her hands.

My purple SOUL got put on the lines.

Mimi: Aww, why so pale? You should be proud!

Gem projectiles came at me on the lines. I quickly found out that I could move my SOUL from line to line. I dodged all of the crystals and went back to the options. I used *Struggle.

*You struggle to escape the web.

*Mimi is so amused by your pathetic attempt, she gives you a discount!

My SOUL was put back into the box.

Mimi: Proud that you're gonna die and get rid of the Void!

More gems, more line jumping. I used *Struggle.

*You struggle to escape the web.

*Nothing happened.

Dang it! I don't think that I can get out of this one!

Mimi: Let you go? Don't be ridiculous, Mr.L! Destroying the Chaos Heart will make EVERYONE MUCH happier!

More gems, more line jumping. I used *Struggle again.

*You struggle to escape the web.

*Nothing happened.

Mimi: The person who warned me about you offered a LOT of money to get rid of you.

More gems, more line jumping. This time some gems bounced around in and out of the lines! I used *Struggle again.

*You struggle to escape the web.

*Nothing happened.

Mimi: They had a really nice, big smile... It was weird... I only saw one of their eyes, but they seemed familiar... And not in a good way.

This time the gems curved back like boomerangs! I dodged them and used *Struggle again.

*You struggle to escape the web.

*Nothing happened.

Mimi: I don't really need the money, but who really does? Besides, that guy REALLY seemed to want you gone.

 I dodged the attacks and used *Struggle again.

*You struggle to escape the web.

*Nothing happened.

Mimi: I even asked him, 'Why don't you take care of the green loser yourself?'. He said something stupid like, 'I can't handle the emotions that would arouse.' Stupid, right?

Faster attacks. I used *Struggle again.

*You struggle to escape the web.

*Nothing happened.

Mimi: Anyway, I'm gonna stop you from getting to Castle Bleck! Blumiere was already put through enough stress from your betrayal. Running off with that clown.

Even faster attacks. I used *Struggle again.

*You struggle to escape the web.

*Nothing happened.

Mimi: Aaaaaaaaaaaand... THAT'S all I got paid for! You can *SPARE now.

...really. That's it?! She was fighting me just for the money?! WOW... But, if it means that the fight is over, GOOD RIDDANCE! I went to the [❌MERCY] and selected *SPARE.

Mimi chuckled as I eventually pulled both of my legs out.

Mimi: No hard feelings! Right, Mr.L?

Mr.L: Yeah, sure. What was it you kept saying about a clown?

Mimi: I'm not allowed to talk about him and I don't really wanna anyway.

I sighed.

Mimi: Buuuuut, maybe I could spill some info for some coinage?

Mr.L: Uh...... I don't have any money.

She harumphed.

Mimi: Fine. I'll just keep my mouth shut then.

I facepalmed at her stubbornness.

Mr.L: Could you just point me to Castle Bleck?

Mimi shrugged.

Mimi: Might as well. Go to town and take the elevator to the first floor. It's that BIIIIIIIIIIG black door in the middle.

Mr.L: Thanks. And one more thing, can you give me your Pure Heart.

Mimi: Sure, it's not worth any money anyway.

She tossed it to me, I caught it and pocketed it.

Mr.L: Who even hired you, anyway?

I felt like I knew what the answer would be, I had my suspicions, but I want to know for sure.

Mimi: That's a trade secret! ;)

I let out a sigh as I started for Flopside Tower. I went through the town quite fast, not wanting to get into any fights, and hopped into the elevator.

And, wow. That girl was right. In the middle of Flopside Tower, stood a humungous black door. I pushed the massive door open and stepped inside.

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