39 - Part Two

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Schlatt's vicious words hang in the tense air. Niki, Sapnap and I just glance at each other, still reeling from the sudden surge of pure chaos that had erupted only moments prior.

Schlatt starts speaking again.

"Tubbo! Where's Tubbo?" He asks, peering through the crowd. Every hair on the back of my neck stands on end, every nerve stretched to their breaking points. He already took Tommy from me, there's no way in hell he's getting Tubbo.

"I'm right here!" Tubbo calls out from somewhere in the crowd, who starts to part, shuffling back from him. I grab Niki, and we shove through the mass of people to get to him, hysteria rising in my chest.

"Get up here, get up here on my podium!" Schlatt beckons welcomingly, but that twisted glint is still gleaming in his eyes.

"I'm on my way, I'm on my way." Tubbo repeats shakily, almost reaching the base of the hill.

"Tubbo no!" Niki suddenly calls out, and everybody's heads snap in her direction. Tubbo pauses, pale face looking pleadingly at me. I shake my head.

"Tubbo, don't listen to him!" I yell, Niki dragging me through the crowd. "Stay where you are, we're coming!"

"I don't think he wants the job Schlatt." Quackity chimes in, as Schlatt chuckles. Tubbo's eyes meet mine for another second before he turns, starting to climb.

"I want the job! I'm on my way!" He shouts back hurriedly.

"Tubbo! Tubbo don't go, don't let him do this!" I yell again, as armoured guards move to block my path to the podium. "Tubbo!"

But it's too late, and Tubbo walks across the podium. I never realised how young he looked until he's standing up there, all false nonchalance and confidence, head held high as if his best friend hadn't just been banished from our home, our family torn to shreds.

He shouldn't have to pretend, not like this, not now.

"Ah Tubbo, so good to see you!" Schlatt beams, motioning for Tubbo to stand at the microphone. He claps an approving hand on Tubbo's shoulder, and all I can focus on is how much I want to rip it off. "As my secretary of state, as my right hand man, I need you to do something for me Tubbo."

I stand back, looking at the scene unfolding in front of me helplessly. Wilbur and Tommy gone, Schlatt and Fundy in control, now sinking their hooks into Tubbo. I lean my head against Niki's as she clings to me, trying to hold it together.

How could I fail so badly at looking after them?

Schlatt's voice drops, poisonous words falling from his lips. "I need you to find Tommy, and I need you to show him the door." He leans in closer, Tubbo's uniform creasing underneath his fingers. "Rumour has it that he's somewhere around. Bring him here at once."

The blood drains even more out of Tubbo's face, and he looks at me again. I push against the guards, hand reaching out for him.

"Tubbo don't listen to him!" I shout, but the guards don't budge, trapping me from reaching him.

"Rosemary, Schlatt's in charge now, we can't stop it." Jack's voice says calmly, as he grabs my wrist and tugs me gently back. I let him pull me back, burying my face with my hands. Tubbo's up there, all alone and terrified, and I can't even help him.

Tubbo's eyes leave mine and he nods, then strides off the back of the podium, quickly disappearing into the forest. The silence is thick and suffocating, every single person stuck in nervous anticipation for what was to come. No one was expecting today's events to happen.

We're all terrified of what could come next.

Then, it's broken by laughter, cruel and mocking that rises from behind us. It's punctuated by familiar wheezes, but what really registers is the chilling satisfaction that seems to punctuate it, almost like they genuinely enjoy the disaster that's unfolding in front of them. I turn around to see Dream, hand clutching his stomach as he laughs loudly. It makes my blood boil, and I glare at him.

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