"Hey you two!" Taeyong called out and waved Sungchan and Donghyuck over to them. He was dressed just as casual as Sungchan and so were Jaehyun and Mark, making Donghyuck realize that maybe he was a little overdressed.

"Hey hyung." Sungchan greeted Taeyong who slung one arm around the taller's shoulder. It looked quite funny seeing Taeyong trying to reach up to reach Sungchan's height and Donghyuck had to suppress a giggle.

"Everyone ready?" Jaehyun asked in his usual deep voice and they all nodded. Jaehyun led the way outside to their manager's car. It was normal for them to use their staff's car, simply because for most of them having their own car wouldn't make much sense as they got driven around by their managers pretty much everywhere, sometimes even outside of schedules.

Today it was Jaehyun in the driver's seat with Taeyong next to him and Mark, Sungchan and Donghyuck squeezed together in the backseat.

"How is your garden going?" Donghyuck asked both Sungchan and Taeyong. The latter exchanged a quick look with Sungchan before they both erupted in laughter.

"Let's not talk about it." Taeyong said in between his giggles. Donghyuck hummed and grinned at Sungchan who shrugged helplessly.

"Don't worry about it too much." Donghyuck told him, petting his thigh. He did that a lot to Sungchan, to everyone in general. It was a small way to show affection and Sungchan would never reject him.

Mark next to him cleared his throat and Donghyuck furrowed his eyebrows. Hopefully the older wasn't sick, that would be shitty seeing as they didn't have much time off and afterwards they would have to work maybe even more than before.

Once arrived at the restaurant, Donghyuck sat next to Sungchan. The two chatted the whole time, not really paying any mind to Taeyong, Mark or Jaehyun who were also immersed in their own conversation.

However as time passed and Taeyong suggested drinking, just for the fun of it, they all came together and clinked their glasses. Jaehyun downed his in one go but Donghyuck wasn't worried. Jaehyun had a high alcohol tolerance much in opposite to Taeyong who was already tipsy after the first few sips.

This only worsened and eventually got to a point where Taeyong loudly sang any kpop songs that would come to mind. Obviously he was attracting states from others and because he didn't want to get recognised, Jaehyun convinced Taeyong to go with him.

"I'll join you two, it's late already. Are you staying, Mark-hyung, Haechan-hyung?" Sungchan said. The two men exchanged a look and then both nodded hesitantly.

"I'll leave you two to it. But don't come home too late and make sure to wear your masks outside. We're not only in a pandemic but also you can never know who might be following you." Taeyong said, his words slightly slurred from the alcohol. Donghyuck and Mark both nodded like children, watching as Sungchan and Jaehyun escorted Taeyong outside.

"See ya, Chanie-hyung!" Sungchan managed to shout over his shoulder and Donghyuck replied the same before sitting back down and watching the three silhouettes disappear in the distance.

The restaurant was crowded, he could hear it. If it wasn't for them sitting in a little more secluded area, they would have probably been recognised by now, considering that neither Donghyuck nor Mark were wearing their masks.

"It's been a while since we last went out to drink." Mark broke the silence. Donghyuck, who had still been staring at the now closed door, turned his head to look at the older. Only now he realized how good Mark looked today, his black hair barely styled but yet not messy. He had dark bags under his eyes, a must after all these promotions and Donghyuck could sense the same tiredness from the man that he himself was feeling too.

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