Our Future (Lisa POV)

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We're currently sitting in the dining area for a discussion. I couldn't wait anymore, I've been keeping a lot of questions in my head and I want to pour it all out today. I actually feeling glad that jennie is emotionally stable after all the misunderstanding we had this morning. And this time I will be careful with my words.

"um. jennie, is it true about what you said this morning? Why would you wait for me? I thought we're completely done" I started to talk right after jennie sit down infront of me near to my left side. It so thoughtful of her that she made us a a tea and light snacks for hi-tea. "yes, its true. If I have to be specifc, its a week after we broke up. That time my dad already fully recovered and we cleared up all the conflict between us. At the end, my dad decided to put my happiness above all. He was actually planning to set me up with a someone, right before that accident happened. And I disgreed. We had a huge fight and everything just became a mess. And when its over I was planning to come back to you, but you already left" calmly she elaborate with her soft voice. But her eyes were teary. I don't like the sight. I don't like to see her sad.

"Honestly I'm suffering without you, I miss you everyday, sometimes I desperately want to meet you. But I don't know how. I'm actually grateful that I met you here" she continued again. She sounds so weak. And I saw tears falling on her cheeks. I was thinking for a while. Lets say we're getting back together, what's gonna happened after that. I'm lost. "Lisa.." a soft voice waking me up from my sense. "I still love you" suddenly she confessed. Her eyes looks soft as she stared at me. And she seems so desperate wanting us to get back together. I'm not gonna deny, I want her so bad but I'm not sure if I could guide her.

"I don't have a future jennie, look at me. I'm still being controlled by my parents. I can't guarantee you a safe place" weakly I told. You don't have any idea how much I want to say that I love her too. She's the only person that I ever love. A person that I give a consent to enter my miserable life. She's the only person that I show my true self.

Upon hearing my feedback, she hold my face immediately as she speak "we could create our future together, lisa please. I don't want anybody else except you" her eyes staring deep into my soul. I can feel her sincerity. I didn't realised I was in tears infront of her "but my parents won't like this" lowly I told. "forget about them. They never claim you as their own daughter anyway. Lisa please, come with me. Lets create our own future together" she replied instantly trying to convinced me with her points. We keep staring at each other for a while as her hands still gently holding my face. And soon I made my mind. I nodded to her and upon receiving my respond, she stand up and hug me tight while I was still sitting on the chair. "thank you, I love you" she stated softly as she caresses my hair. To be honest, I'm still unsure with all of this. But I can't keep myself away from jennie anymore. "I love you too. Always" I said almost whispering while I begin to embrace her waist. It felt warm and safe. I'm growing fond over her affection.

Eventually I decided to untangled myself from my family after I graduated. They're angry but I don't care anymore. What I know, there's only one person that always being proud and supportive in whatever I'm doing. And her name is jennie. She has been there for me comforting my soul. I'm actually feeling touch that she willing to move to london just to be with me. Gladly her family is being understanding and let her go. Now I feel content. My life is complete. I'm so thankful that god bring jennie into my life. I felt like I'm the happiest person ever. I'm breaking free.


We're currently walking on the side of the beach, the atmosphere was breezy and cold but somehow it feels warm since jennie is there side hugging my waist while I'm embracing her small shoulder. 2 years I'm living with jennie. To tell you it such a blessing. I'm literally happy everyday. And I appreciate every moments that we had together. Soon we take a sit on the bench and just watching the scenery infront of us. Its relaxing and calm. "Hon, you said you want to show me something what is it?" she asked as she stares at me. Her cheeks were blushing because of the cold air. She looks so adorable and cute. I smiled to her before I speak. "Here, I let you see it" I told as I hand her a white envelope. She looks curious as she impatiently took out whats inside the envelope. The moment she read the content she give this respond. "whattt?! Oh my god! Hon congratulations!" she flaunt her gummy smile as she starts to hug me tight. You guys must be curious what's we're fussing about right? It's a letter of me being hired as an officer in a big company. Something that I'm proud to achieved. A moment later we let go of each other. "I'm so proud of you" she said as she caresses my cheek. I give her a peck on her lips. "I love you. Thank you for being my backbone. Without you I'm nothing" she started to hug me again and we stays that way for a while.

"So? What are you planning to do after this?" she asked as we're still sitting on the bench watching the sunset. "Hmm.. Since we both already got a good job. How about married?" I point out my target. She look quite stunned. "Will you be okey if I marry you?" softly I asked her as I stared into her feline eyes. Tears started to fall on her cheeks as she nodded while shyly smiling at me. I then wipe her tears and started to kiss her lips passionately.

So this is how exactly we create our future. I'm actually in the peak of my life. I'm so content that I have a wonderful lover and a good career. I managed to achieved what I've been desire, one by one. I think I want to give you guys a little spoiler, after marrying jennie... I was planning to have a bunch of babies with the love of my life. And I'm on my way heading to that path.

- The End -

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