A Place To Share (Lisa POV)

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To tell you, I really want to avoid jennie after I saw her in the library. I thought its going to be the last time. Well I was wrong. I realised she's trying to get in touch with me again. Today I was kinda having a hard time dealing with her. You don't have any idea how shocked I was soon as I saw her waiting infront of my place. The weather is cold but she's willing to wait. For some reason I'm melted by her action. She seems to be desperate wanted to see me. And I don't have any guts to push her away. Cause she looks unstable. I literally invite her to my place again. I know, I messed up with my actual plan. I don't even know what to do next. She always bold with her behaviour sometimes I don't even know how to react to it.

Funnily I couldn't even stay subtle when I'm around her. I offered her a foods instead. And worst sending her back to her place when as a matter of fact I could just call a cab. I'm so fucked up that I lose control of myself. I know this is not a good sign. Maybe because back then I didn't really communicate with people, but soon as jennie entered my life, I get used to her affection. And now she's here, my heart automatically craving for her, even more. I keep reminding myself to put my guard up. But its not working. I keep thinking about her all the time. I know this is not the end of us. I have feelings jennie will come back again to annoys me. And I was right.

I'm completely shocked soon as I saw jennie with a luggage infront of my house like few days after she came. What's going on now.. "Jennie? What happened?" I couldn't hide my feelings. I'm all worried and puzzled. Why does she bring her luggage here. "Lisa I missed the flight. I fell asleep, and I'm running out of money, I literally don't have a place to stay" she explained with teary eyes. For a second my heart drop. She looks so stressed that her chest just rapidly going up and down. She probably crying too. I saw a tears stain on her cheeks. I try to stay sane giving her some tips on what to do next.

"Okey don't panic. Umm. Okey I have extra money, maybe I could lend it to you to buy a ticket for the next flight. You can pay later via transfer or something" I keep looking at her waiting for her respond. A moment later she begin to reply "I have a habit, that I can't sit alone in the airplane. I'll get anxiently attacked". Oh my god. What should I do? I can't let her stay here. She will be messsing with my life again. I started to have a deep thought. But then I come back to my sense once I heard her voice saying this. "Lisa its okey, I'll try to figure it out. Good bye" Her voice sounds so weak as she put a small smile to me. Few seconds later she dragged her luggage heading to the side of the road.

I was panicking. I felt terrified. I can't just let her handle it alone. Besides where is she going to stay? Hesitantly I shouts at her name "Jennie!" which causing her to stop as she turned around to face me. She gave me a trouble look. It breaks my heart. Soon I walk heading to her closing our gap. I then took her luggage and her bag. "lets figure it out together. In the meantime just stay at my place" calmy I told as I stared at her. I'm glad she didn't argue.

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